Chapter 5: Twenty Questions

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Thank you for those who have been reading! Although I've only started this story not long ago, I think this will be a good one once it's finished. So, please continue to support this and maybe leave a comment or something so I can continue to make this a great story!



Alviss took my hand as he led me out the door. I was still trying to comprehend what was really going on, since I didn't expect a single thing from this guy. He was courteous and the way he was taking me out was definitely a few steps up from my first impression of him. But I couldn't be naïve. After all, this could be an act, and I can't have my hopes up for nothing.

He led me to the passenger side of the car, and kindly opened the door for me. Another gentlemanly act. Alviss got into his side of the car, and started the engine. Its sound was nice, and once everything else was on, the stereo started playing. I'm guessing he had a mix CD in there or something, because it definitely wasn't a song I recognized. Although, I found myself tapping to the beat and liking the melody and lyrics. It was sounded like hard rock, and they had a strong sounding male vocalist. The beat really made me want to get up and jump.

"Everybody with your fists raised high

Let me hear your battle cry tonight"

"You like this song?" I turned to face Alviss, who was smiling at me with a slightly surprised look. He kept his eyes on the road, but every once in a while, glanced back at me, still waiting for my answer.

"Yeah, a bit. What song is this?"

"'Frontline' by Pillar. They're a Christian rock band."

"You listen to Christian music?" I was somewhat bewildered by this development. Alviss was religious?

"Hey," he interjected, "don't judge good music by their genres. They may be a religious band, but I'm not a religious person. I just simply like their music. Same goes for Switchfoot, Flyleaf, and some others out there." We continued to listen to the song until it was done, and suddenly a soft ballad song came on. I had heard it before, but the title was on the tip of my tongue.

"'Your Guardian Angel' by Red Jumpsuit Apparatus." My eyes looked at Alviss again, who continued to keep his eyes forward as he drove. I had to admit, he had good taste in music. But with this new song on, the atmosphere changed a bit, and had a romantic appeal to it. I felt slightly self-conscious, wondering if I really did look okay, and I could feel my stomach getting knots in it even though I knew that there was nothing to make me feel this way.

I took a deep breath, and let it go slowly. The music really sounded nice, so I closed my eyes to just soak in the melody and calm myself a bit. As weird as a situation this was, so far it hadn't started off badly at all. Alviss continued to drive down the dark streets with other fellow cars, speeding fast several cars that were going too slow for his taste. I could feel the car move swiftly on the street, constantly changing lanes, but I still felt so relaxed at the moment. I was beginning to wonder why I was so relaxed when I should feel furious at Alviss for forcing me into this, or something.

My body was beginning to relax a bit more when he quietly said, "Thank you for coming with me tonight." I opened my eyes to see us at a stoplight, and he looked at my face sincerely. I couldn't tell if this was an act or not, because his eyes looked so kind. All I could do was give a small smile as a response. I was curious about how this night was going to go.

We arrived at Applebee's and he found a parking spot pretty close to the front of the restaurant. Alviss turned the car off, then quickly got out of the car and walked to my side before I even got my seatbelt off. He then opened the car door for me, and held out his hand to help me out. I took his hand as he helped me out, but he did something I didn't expect. In his pocket, he pulled out my bracelet that my dad gave me and took my left hand to put it on. The bracelet had an elegant design, using a sterling silver as the metal, and imbedded in the bracelet were small clear stones that looked like small diamonds. Alviss snapped the bracelet on my wrist, then held my hand gently as he looked at me again with that dazzling smile. Once again, all I could do was give a small smile.

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