Chapter 13: Rumors Can Fly

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Well, it's the start of a new arc! YAY! I hope you all liked the previous one with the stalker! Scary, right?! Anyway, this one is going to be a good one :) more romance, and a lot more action to happen! comment/critique and vote!



Yesterday was crazy. Because of the whole stalker incident, Steph had begged me to stay over at her house for the night to make her feel better. Although I had told her numerous times that Alviss had taken care of him (I didn’t bother to mention the mafia people) and she wouldn’t be bothered by the stalker anymore, she was adamant on me staying with her. Her family was alright with it, and she said she would drive me to school the next day.

Well, today was Monday. The beginning of hell.

Steph was driving, pretty must ranting the entire time still in amazement about yesterday. My mind wasn’t paying attention to her. It was elsewhere, thinking of a certain someone that shouldn’t be in my mind. All night, I could never get Alviss out of my mind. It was really bothersome, even when I was trying to sleep. During dinner, I kept thinking of us eating out of the tub of ice cream. When we were getting ready to sleep, I thought of his touch when he pulled me into his kiss. As Steph fell asleep, my eyes were wide open still, remembering the feeling of his kiss, and the chaos and danger he went through to make sure we got out of there safely. I couldn’t get him off my mind, and it was taking its toll on me. I was dead tired and going to school was the last thing I wanted to do right now.

We entered the parking lot that was already full of students going into the school. Steph was lucky, being able to park so close to the entrance so we didn’t have to walk far, and today I was very, very grateful for that. We walked into the building but I began to notice something really strange. The halls were noisy, but at the same time really quiet. I didn’t know if it was just me being really tired, so I didn’t pay much attention to it. So long as the day went quickly as possible, I would be happy. Oh, how I wish school days were like that.

First period began, and ended. Same went for second and third. After fourth, I would be able to join Steph and a few friends for lunch and get some grub into my hungry stomach. But still, I could feel something was really weird. Every class I went into, people were having their own conversations and whispering a lot. I still had a few people say hello to me and have small talk, but otherwise no one really spoke to me and they were too involved in their own little worlds. I was beginning to think it had something to do with last week with me and Elliot.

Speaking of that, it became official that he and that sophomore girl were now going out, hooking up on Friday. It was rare, but not unheard of, that a senior and a sophomore (or two people with a two-year or more difference in between them) went out. Apparently, her name was Annabelle. Well, that name seemed to fit her blonde and bubbly personality. This was big news in our school, so rumors were flying everywhere around them. What surprised me was a recent one that reached my ears during second period.

Little Miss Annabelle had a bad reputation already. She had just moved from Texas after her freshman year, and a story from her old high school somehow managed to reach ours. Word has it that she had already lost her virginity to a boy there, and how she did it was a huge feat. There were a few variations going around, but the one I heard was that she decided to be daring and enter the boy’s locker room after a soccer tournament. Here’s how it went: Her school had won, and a lot of the guys were going to celebrate. One of the star players, managing to score several points against the opponent, was still in the locker room when everyone else left. Annabelle had snuck in, and found him there. She surprised him, and then they started kissing and then it led to other, notorious actions. Well, it seemed they were caught by the soccer coach. He was furious, as any teacher would be, but she seduced him into joining them! So, she, the soccer play, and the soccer coach were getting it on in the boy’s locker room. And they didn’t get caught until the coach cracked under the guilt. Eventually, the soccer player was suspended, the coach was fired, and the scandalizing Annabelle was forced to move to our school by her parents. In other words, she was our school’s new whore.

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