Chapter 3: Bright Blue Eyes and a Dazzling Smile

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I couldn't believe it. There was a person who was grabbing my ass, and he actually smiled back at me. He was taller than me, his dark hair made his bright blue eyes stand out, and I had to admit his smile was dazzling. Too bad I was more focused on how mad I was that his hand was touching me in an uncomfortable spot to actually think he was cute.

"Kora!" Steph yelled before assaulting the pervert. She swung her shopping bags at him, clearly hitting him in the face and pushing him off of me. I noticed a couple others behind him at a safe distance from us, but they were laughing at the whole situation and beckoning him to hurry up and leave. Well, I wasn't going to let that happen until I got my own justice on him.

I dropped my purse and shopping bag, then ran towards the pervert and viciously kneed him in the stomach. He keeled over from the pain, but managed to grab me to stop my movement. I tried hitting his back to let me go, but he kept a good hold of me.

"Hey," he said as he laughed, still holding onto me, "how about we kiss and make up?" The guy then gave me another dazzling smile, and nearly kissed me on the lips before I kneed him again. He loosened his grip and I managed to escape his grasp. I ran towards the car, where Steph was anxiously waiting for me. I quickly grabbed my shopping bag, and darted to the passenger's seat as Steph started the car up. As soon as we were both in the car, she backed out and left the garage. I looked back, and saw the group of guys laughing.

"Oh. My. God," Steph was wide-eyed and mouth somewhat gaping as she was running the event through her head one more time to make sure she wasn't dreaming. "I can't believe that jerk actually did that! I mean, geez, you'd think someone who was that cute would actually have a sliver of manners, but to seriously grab your ass like that?!"

I let Steph continue to talk and rant on the whole thing while I just sunk into the car seat and relax after such an experience. I was disturbed, traumatized, and somewhat amazed I actually kneed him in the stomach successfully. But for a small moment, his eyes and his smile flashed in my mind. They were almost like the ones I dreamed of when I was little: eyes that were bright blue, almost dream-like and unreal, and a smile that brightened a whole room. I'd seen others like that, but it just didn't sit well with me that that pervert had them, too. I slightly grunted at the whole thing, then reached for my purse to get my phone out to call my mom. When I tried to grab it, I suddenly realized and gasped out loud with horror.

"Steph, turn around."

"What? Why? We're half way home already-"

"Steph, turn around now! I left my purse in the garage." We both looked at each other wide-eyed.

Immediately, Steph found a street to do a U-turn on and headed straight for the mall again. I was really worried that I'd lose the items in my purse: my phone, my driver's license, my car keys, my money (luckily, only about $20, which in a situation like this isn't much, since it could be much worse), some make-up, and my bracelet that I got from my dad. But what I was really, really worried about was that those perverts got to it before we got there.

Steph pulled into the garage, and what we feared was true. My purse was gone. We got out of the car to look around, and even managed to find a mall cop and report it missing. But, he said that no one had turned it in, so chances were it was stolen. It was very troublesome, and it was just as bad knowing that I knew who took it but I didn't know who they were.

I sat on the curb troubled and stressed and furious on all levels of sanity. If there was a chance that I could find out who those idiots were, I would give them a piece of my mind and make them suffer. But, I didn't have anything to go on. It was really bothersome, and Steph could tell.

"Kora, honey, you gonna be okay?" she asked. I sighed, trying to get rid of some of the current frustration. It was late in the night, even for Friday, and I just wanted to go home now. I wish this hadn't happened.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just really pissed off."

My best friend laughed. "As you should be!" She gave me a smile that reassured me that things could be worse, and that I should just think forward. Hopefully the forward I was thinking of included making a few teenage boys suffer.

"C'mon, let's get up and go home. I am craving some of your mom's cooking!" We got up and drove to my house. When we got to my house, I had to explain to my mom what happened. She was really mad at me, even though I tried to make it about how those idiots were the ones at fault. But as soon as Steph started talking to her and explaining that it wasn't my fault (which I don't understand, seeing as how I said the exact same stuff), she calmed down a bit. My mom agreed to let her sleep over tonight and we just talked normally girl stuff and about the whole incident. Eventually, we fell asleep on the floor of my room, with the TV on.


When I woke up, Steph was already in my shower. I laughed thinking of how she was always in the shower before I could protest. Because we were slow close for so many years, she had become very accustomed to my house, and unofficially made it her home away from home. My mom was perfectly fine with this (in some cases, she was very glad, since she was a lot cleaner than I was and thought having her over would make me learn to be cleaner) and it was like Steph became my sister. It felt right, too. We had similar hobbies, similar thoughts (minus the boy craze she has), and we are the same size so we share clothes often. If we tried, we probably could pull off being sisters.

I looked up and Steph stepped out of the bathroom, her long blonde hair still wet but she was drying it with a towel. I then noticed that she was already wearing my green sweater and a pair of my jeans. It amazes me how fast she is at taking my stuff.

"About time you woke up, sleepy head!" she joked. "Hope you don't mind I took your clothes. I forgot that I didn't bring any extras with me." She walked over and sat on my bed putting her damp hair in a messy bun. "So, I'm gonna have to leave soon. I got a call from my dad saying that I need to go babysit the twins all day today. I'm kinda mad he didn't tell me this before, but I guess it was last minute. Anyway, your mom said that she had to go into work. Something about a program messing up and she had to go fix it." I nodded. My mom's programming job took a lot of time out of her life, but it paid well and she was good at it. Besides, both of us were used to her crazy schedule now, and we still found time to have mother-daughter time.

"Hey Steph," I asked. She looked at me and stopped messing with her hair. "Think I'll get my stuff back?" I felt like a little kid, asking a silly question like that. She looked at me reassuringly again.

"Duh, you will! Give it time. And be happy you didn't have any credit cards in there. But chances are they will get caught. They didn't look too smart, and someone around them must be smart enough to know to return the stuff." I smiled, knowing she was right. It was just a matter of time, and hopefully it was soon so I could take all my frustrations on them. "Alright, I need to go now. I'll call your phone too so I can pester them!" I laughed at that. If anyone can annoy someone to the brink of death, Steph was that person.

I saw Steph off as she drove back home, which wasn't that far from my house. As soon as she left, I went to the kitchen to make some breakfast. I decided on scrambled eggs and some cereal. We had a few eggs left, so I used two of them and put in some cheese and a little bit of sausage. Once those were done, I got a bowl out and decided I was going to eat some Cocoa Puffs. As soon as I was about to take a bit of my eggs, I heard the doorbell ring. I groaned, feeling my tummy protest against getting the door. But, the doorbell rang again, and I couldn't ignore it. So, I took a quick bite to satisfy my stomach and walked to the door.

When I opened the door, I looked at who it was, and involuntarily slammed the door. How could this be?! Why?! How?! I wasn't sure if I should open the door or not again, because behind the door was a pair of bright blue eyes and a dazzling smile.

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