Chapter 16: Dangerous Waters

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DUM DUM DUUUUUUUUUUMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this arc is almost to a close, and with it, DRAMA!!!!! ya know, i feel weird for writing a story with a whole ton of drama. i hate drama. i hate drama in my life, i hate drama tv, i simply hate drama. yet, it's SO easy to write it! anyway, hope you enjoy. seriousyl, this chapter is intense :) critique/comment and vote please :)



Wow. Didn’t expect that, at all. Annabelle was at the mall and saw me kiss Alviss. And she took the picture. And she started the rumor. I believe I found the she-devil.

Because Annabelle and her posse had stopped me at my locker, I was almost late to my next class. Even though I should’ve been paying attention to the lecture, I had my mind on other things. Now that I knew who had started the rumor, my brain was working overtime to put pieces together. Honestly, the way my thought process worked, I should be a detective or a psychologist…

So, Elliot’s slut was at the mall during the whole stalker incident. Because she saw the kiss, she took the picture, probably to get some popularity (as if being Elliot’s new play thing wasn’t enough). After that, things probably started to click in her head: let the school know about the kiss, I would be labeled as a whore because I (supposedly) dumped Elliot to (supposedly) date Alviss. But, let Elliot know about the kiss, then there was a chance he would get over me faster, with the notion that I was a whore to back it up. On the other hand (which Annabelle probably didn’t think of, or ignored), there was a chance that he would get angry at that, knowing his pride. He would get mad at the fact that I (supposedly) dumped him to (supposedly) date someone else, hurting his pride even more (recalling when I broke up with him, saying that he wasn’t perfect). This would make him think that because he wasn’t perfect, I had gone in search for someone that was (when Alviss is far from it). Because the latter had happened, he felt the need to make me jealous, to earn some of his pride back. Obviously, that didn’t work. And, because he didn’t get me jealous, he actually made Annabelle jealous, which led to their fight. From there, Annabelle got mad at me for making him not pay attention to her, questioning why I was getting attention (unwanted attention, I might add). So, to sum it up, I was in the middle of a nasty jealous love triangle. How the hell did all of this happen in a week?

My head was starting to hurt after figuring all of that out, and I was very happy the end of the day finally came around. I asked Steph to meet by my locker so I could talk the whole thing out (and to prevent another situation like earlier). While I was switching books and such, Steph showed up holding something in her hand.

“Guess what, best friend?” she called happily to me. Her smile was spread across her face, but I didn’t feel like mustering a smile of my own right now.


Steph held out her hand with whatever she was holding in it. It was a napkin wrapped around something. “This will cheer you up!” I took the napkin, and inside of it were two chocolate chip cookies. She was right: I cheered up instantly. “So,” she started, “what did you wanna talk about?” I gave her the details of what I thought up about the whole love and jealousy triangle.

I wasn’t sure if I was expecting it or not, but after hearing the whole thing, Steph laughed.

“So, all of this drama is just for a bit of jealousy?! What are they, middle schoolers?!” She continued to laugh, and now I saw it how she did. Steph was right. This was completely stupid and immature of both of them. I didn’t ask to be put on the spot like this, and those two were a couple now. They had to work things out on their own.

After we agreed that the two were complete idiots, Steph and I ate the cookies she brought to me. They were satisfying, and definitely put me in a better mood. Right when we were about to leave, I remembered I had to stay after school for a bit. Steph was complaining, saying that she wanted to hang out, but I told her that I needed to see my language arts teacher about an essay I was writing for her. She finally agreed, and argued that I was to hang out with her afterwards. I agreed, and we went our separate ways, again. I couldn’t help but notice a sort of anxiety when I left her, as if I knew I was entering dangerous waters.

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