Chapter 10: You Owe Me

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GAAAAH!!!!! i am so excited for this chapter!!!!! :D so very very very excited!!!! so, story update on my part: i am currently reworking the main plot and choosing what the characters are going to be like (but, i'm having a bigger issue with figuring out names... apparently i like really, really generic names for guys. joe, luke, chris, mike... they all suck. so, in an attempt to break out of that, i came up with Alviss. From an anime. Yup, i'm very original with guy names). but so far, i'm making progress. and i have a plot twister!!! i think. idk. i think it is. well, you guys tell me when i get there! anyway, here's the next chapter :) vote and comment!!!! woohoo!


I looked at my phone again to check the time. It was almost 12:30. The mall was getting more crowded, now that people were coming from church and the sleepy heads were awake. We had just about planned how to leave. Alviss, Steph, and I were going to go to where his car was parked by the west wing of the mall. Alviss was going to take the two of us to my house, and stay for a bit to make sure the creep didn't follow him. Dex, Bryan, and Daniel, however, were going to hang around the mall until Dex's friend could pick them up. Eventually, the guys were going to meet up later like they had originally planned before us girls showed up in their day.

All of us got up and we went our separate ways, Alviss, Steph and I going to the west wing, and the other guys headed to a few stores while they waited for Dex's friend. Alviss kept his arm around my waist as we walked, Steph trailing behind us, but close enough that we could feel her behind us. I had actually found myself to be very comfortable in Alviss' arms, which was somewhat bothersome to me. I didn't like him like this, but judging by the few actions of Steph-asking his group to help us out, pairing us together to be boyfriend and girlfriend, and constantly bugging me to be close to him to look more like a couple-I was positive that her goal was to get us two together. I could practically feel her cute little smirk behind my back as she watched us walking.

To break the silence, Alviss asked, "So, what are you going to do about your car?" I hadn't thought of that yet. I looked back at Steph, who just shrugged her shoulders, also not knowing what to do about it. Mall security would probably want it off mall property by closing today, so chances were I'd have to get it before 6 tonight.

"I need to get a new tire for my car," I reminded him, "so if you don't mind stopping by Firestone so I can get one, that's be a big help. And if it's not too much of a bother, it'd be nice for you to take us back here in a couple hours, so we can fix the tire and then leave." I looked over at Alviss to see if he would agree to my plan. To my surprise, he was smiling pretty big.

"In other words, I get to enjoy a few more hours with you." He glanced at me with a devious smile, in which I regretting mentioning my idea. Crap.

"I think it's a great idea!" Steph chimed in. I really didn't need her pushing for this. She was still following behind us and looked rather happy with the plan when I sent a glare her way. She responded to my glares with winks. Did she really want me and Alviss together?! Before I turned around again, she mouthed out "final fling" to remind me of our supposed mission this year. Yup, she wanted us together.

We headed to the exit of the mall on the west wing. I was glad to be outside now, and the fact that Alviss was with us, I was positive the stalker wouldn't try and pull something on us. But, I was still somewhat worried that he would follow Alviss' car, knowing that it was pretty easy to find. My stomach was in knots again, letting the worry get to me. This was such a crazy Sunday, and it was only the afternoon!

Alviss received a text message while we walked to the car. He decided not to look at it until we were all the in the car, buckling up. Steph was very impressed with the car, just as I was when I first saw it, and her worries seemed to be elsewhere, unlike myself. I wish my brain to travel to other things just as easily as hers. Alviss finally checked his text, but immediately closed it and started the car up as fast as he could. I gave him a "what happened?" look, asking what the text was.

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