This Can't Happen

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I broke my attention away from the computer screen I had spent too much time focused on. I proceeded to rub my forehead with my hand in hope to ease the slight headache that had developed. I was to be looking through a contract that was to be signed within the next few weeks.

I let out a sigh to myself and picked up the phone on my desk. I punched in the numbers that would connect me with Isabelle. She picked up almost instantly.

"What is it Mr. Tipton?" She asked.

"I need something to help keep me going." Even I could hear how tired my voice was. "Can you bring me a coffee?"

"Sure thing." She responded. "Is there anything else?"

"No, that's everything." With the conversation finished I hung the phone up and patiently waited for her to bring it in.

I stood up from the chair and removed my suit coat. I raised my arms above my head to stretch out. I then turned around to look outside of the floor to ceiling window. This view was something that couldn't be beat.

It used to scare me when I was younger. After many many trips to my father's office I managed to get past it though. Now it was more like it fascinated me and intrigued me. I could look out the window for hours if I really wanted to.

My eyes fell onto the orphanage as it wasn't that hard to spot. It's somewhere that holds so many memories for me. Like when I confessed my feelings to Isabelle and where we shared our first kiss. Those were two memories I don't think I could ever forget.

I turned around and bumped right into Isabelle who had been carrying the coffee. I was so caught up in my mind that I didn't even know she had entered my office. The hot liquid went all over my white shirt and began to slightly burn my skin.

"Oh shit!" She looked horrified as she looked down at the mess on me. "I'm so sorry Sterling!"

"It's okay." I reassured her.

She ran into the bathroom that's in the office and came back with handfuls of paper towels. She set them down on the desk and picked one up. She pats it on my chest to help soak up the coffee that was all over me.

"Hold on." I grab her wrist and move her hand away. "My shirt's soaked, it's probably better if I change into a new one. Grab one from the cabinet for me?"

"Okay." She nodded as she honored my request.

I began to unbutton my shirt as I watched her from behind. Her black skirt hugged her hips tightly. I couldn't help that my eyes went right to her firm ass. I would give anything to be able to give that a good squeeze.

She opened the cabinet and took out a new white button up shirt. She brought it over to me and I noticed her eyes went to my chest right away. Then they looked down for a moment, she was checking my abs. Her eyes then went back to the redness on my chest from the coffee.

"I can't believe I did that. I'm so sorry." She apologized yet again as she held out the shirt.

I took it and draped it onto the chair. I then finished stripping off the soiled shirt and threw it to the floor. Isabelle picked up another paper towel and gently used it to dry my chest. I look down at her hand before my icy blue eyes meet those grey orbs.

She continued patting my bare chest as they eye contact remained. I can practically feel the tension growing between us. This time it's different though. I want her and I can see in those beautiful eyes that part of her wants me just as bad.

My body reacted faster than I could think. My lips crashed down on hers as I wrapped my arms around her. I don't even try to hide the desire and hunger I have for her. The last time we kissed was four years ago and it was long overdue.

I could feel her hesitate for a moment as she thought about her next move. I'm relieved when she caved into this kiss. Her lips moved in sync with mine and her hands wrapped around the back of my neck. This right here, it's everything for me.

I kept one arm around her waist as I pulled her closer into me. I used my other hand to slide down her back side and give her ass a squeeze. She let out a low moan in response which was like music to my ears. I took the opportunity to slip my tongue inside.

Without breaking the kiss I began to move her back. I had her up against the wall now and she had nowhere to go. Not that it mattered, it seemed she didn't want this to stop either. This kiss only confirmed that she wanted me just as bad as I wanted her.

My hand that was on her ass slid down further to the hem of her skirt. My fingers grazed her skin as I began to lift the skirt up. I need more than this. I need to feel every inch of her body.

Isabelle seemed to snap back into reality. She turns her head away as she pushes me off of her. "This can't happen!" She shouted at me.

I closed in on the gap she placed between us. "Why not? Why can't it happen Isabelle?"

I could see in her eyes she was hurt and upset. Her eyes began to water as she attempted to find the right words. I backed off as I didn't want to make things worse. I didn't like seeing she was upset and that it was because of me.

"Because we had our chance Sterling. I tucked those feelings away years ago. You don't get to just come in and open it all back up." She finally answered in a low voice as she tried holding in her emotions. "And you've moved on. What we had is done and over with."

She pushes past me as I contemplate what to say. I'm at a loss for words and I only have seconds before she's outside of that door.

"Izzy." I call her name in hopes that she'll turn around but she doesn't.

"Mr. Tipton, I think I'll be taking the rest of the day off for personal reasons." She spoke before exiting the office.

I can't help the fit of rage I felt from how such an amazing moment ended so fast. I grabbed the cup holding the pens on my desk and threw it against the wall. I clenched my fists tightly. I had one moment and I managed to end up fucking it all up.

What Isabelle made me feel even after so long was one of a kind. The love we shared was real and raw. Elise had never once made me feel that way. She was more of what I settled for because I didn't think the one I wanted would ever be in my life again. Yet here she was back again.

She had made a valid point though. There was one toxic thing in the way and that was Elise. It's not going to be easy to get rid of her, not without the possible guilt. But I'll find a way.

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