Your New Assistant

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"This is your new assistant, Eve." My father motioned to the girl sitting at his desk. "She was sent from the same place I found Stacey so I have high hopes that she'll be a good fit for you."

Eve got up from her seat and held out her hand. "It's nice to meet you Mr. Tipton."

Shaking her hand, I responded. "It's nice to meet you as well."

She looks like she's around the same age as Isabelle and me. She's got shoulder length dirty blonde hair and brown eyes. She's dressed very professionally and seems to carry herself the same way.

"I've already gone through her contract, letting her know what's to be expected." My father continued on. "Do you have any concerns you would like to address with her before we have everything signed?"

"No." I shook my head.

While my father and I like to butt-heads from time to time, I trust his judgment. In the end I know he's always looking out for my best interest and just trying to help me succeed. Especially since the company—our family's legacy—lies in my hands.

"Good." He turned his attention over to Eve. "If you could just sign where I showed you Sterling can take your desk."

"Okay." She nodded and turned to the desk, signing her name and then looking back at me. "Shall we get to work Mr. Tipton?"

"Is there anything else you need from me?" I asked my father.

"Just be ready for the meeting today." He instructed. "I'm going to be leaving here since your mother has her doctor's appointment today."

Since she's towards the end her appointments are more frequent, especially since she delivered preterm her last pregnancy. My father needs to be focused on her and Samuel which is why it was important I get a new assistant.

"Sounds good." I turned to Eve. "Let me show you where you'll be sitting."

"Okay." She nodded and followed me out of my father's office.

I led the way to the desk, the on where Isabelle had sat until I fucked everything up. When we reached it, I stopped and turned to Eve.

"This is where you'll be." I informed her. "My office is just through those doors."

"Okay." She places her belongings on the desk.

"Do you have any questions for me?" We're going to have to get to know each other at least a little bit for this to work.

"I have one." She nervously bit her bottom lip before asking it. "What exactly was the reason for my special qualification requirement? It's kind of a personal thing I didn't expect to see."

My brows furrowed as confusion washed over my face. "What do you mean special qualification requirement?"

I have no idea what this girl is talking about. My father is the one who searched for the new assistant. If there was a unique requirement I wish he would have told me so that I could have better prepared for it.

Eve closed the gap between us, looking around to make sure no one was in earshot. "Part of the reason I was chosen for this job is because I'm not exactly into men. I don't know why that matters, but I don't really want to make a big deal out of it."

Of fucking course. The devil works hard but Damon Tipton is always working harder. This is his way of making sure that there's no risk of me fucking up with Isabelle.

"You see that girl over there." I pointed over to Isabelle who was busy at her computer.

Eve turned and looked at her for a moment before turning back to me. "Yeah, she's gorgeous. What about her?"

"She's the reason for that special qualification you possess." I explained. "She was my assistant, we were childhood sweethearts and when my father brought her back into my life I found it hard to contain myself. A few things happened—all of it my fault—that caused a rift between us. We're trying to work it out and I'm assuming that my father chose you because he doesn't have to worry about the risk of you being attracted to me."

"Oh." She nodded as it made sense to her. "That explains a lot I guess. You know, as an assistant I can offer my services as a wing-woman. Flowers, chocolate, edible arrangement, you name it and I'll send it."

"Good to know." I responded. "Right now I think I have it covered and I should probably prepare for this meeting."

"Okay." She nodded, her professionalism from before quickly returning. "What do you need from me right now Mr. Tipton?"

"Right now I want you to get settled and used to everything." I instructed. "The meeting is in less than an hour, I'll check in on you in a few minutes."

"Sounds good sir." Eve sat down at the desk and began setting her things up and getting accustomed to the computer.

I walked my way over to Isabelle, causing her to look up at me as she heard my footsteps. "New assistant?"

"Yes." I nodded. "She just got here, I was wondering if you could do me a favor."

Isabelle raised her brow. "Depends. What is it?"

"Well, since the poor girl just got here she still has to get set up." I exhaled a low breath, knowing that this isn't exactly her job to do anymore. "I was hoping that maybe you'd be able to send me the copy of the contract that will be discussed in today's meeting with all of the annotations."

A smirk crossed her lips. "I no longer work for you Mr. Tipton, so what's in it for me?"

"How about dinner again?" I suggested. "After work, come to my place and we can order some food or something."

Her smirk was gone as she contemplated the idea in her mind. We just had a good night over the weekend so clearly the idea is tempting. However, I don't want to put any pressure on her.

"Isabelle, you don't have to agree or anything." I looked into her gray orbs. "You don't even have to send me the contract, I can do it myself."

She exhaled a low breath. "The annotated contract I sent to you about twenty minutes ago, your father asked me to. However, your dinner offer before you knew that so no taking it back, I'll think about it. For now though, you better go get to work."

I nodded, a small smile making it's way to my lips. "Of course."

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