The Job's Been Finished

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I sat at my desk, studying the screen in front of me. I was going over some details for an upcoming meeting. My cell phone began to ring on my desk, pulling my attention away from the task at hand.

I picked it up and answered the call. "What is it?"

"The job's been finished." The head guard of my team informed me. "The transport was successful and they've got her settled."

"And how did our patient do?" There was a hint of darkness in my tone as I attempted to hold back my emotions.

"She was pissed." He responded, giving me the answer that I had suspected. "She tried to put up a fight so she was sedated."

"Figures." I let out a low breath. "Thank you for giving me an update, have someone stay there for a few days in case anything goes south."

"Yes Sir."

I hung up the phone call and set the phone back down on my desk. I tapped my fingers on top of the glass as I figured out the best way to word this. Of course, it's probably just best to be out with it.

Getting up from my desk, I exited my office and walked over to where Isabelle sat. She looked up at me and a smile appeared on her lips. I can only hope that her smile will remain after this discussion, if not then I need to figure out a way to bring it back.

"What can I do for you Mr. Tipton?" Her tone was flirtatious with me.

I took in a breath and let it out. "I need you to come to my office with me, we need to talk about your mother."

Not that I would call the bitch that. If anything, the only thing she was in my eyes was an egg donor. She never earned her title as a mother and I damn sure will make sure she doesn't get the opportunity to do so.

Her smile instantly disappeared. "Oh."

Killian came out of his office at just the perfect time. He looked between Isabelle and me, seeming to sense the severity of the situation. "Need a moment?"

"Yeah." Isabelle nodded. "If you need me for anything I can do that first though."

"No." Killian shook his head. "You're good Izzy, just let me know when you're good to get back to work."

Getting up from her chair she glanced back at Killian. "Okay. Thank you."

"No problem."

Grabbing her hand, I held it tightly as I made the way to my office. We got inside and I made sure the door was shut tightly behind us. When I turned around I could see the nerves all over Isabelle's face.

"Come, sit down." I motioned to the couch as I headed over to it.

I could use the chairs and sit at the desk, but that felt like it would be making this more of a matter where Isabelle may think she needs to keep it professional. I don't want that, I want her to feel comfortable letting it all out which is why sitting on the couch together is the perfect place.

She followed my lead and we sat next to each other. I can tell she's got a few thoughts racing through her mind. Finally, she decided to just be out with the question.

"So what did you do?" She looked me in the eyes as she waited for an answer.

Isabelle is more than aware that I was having her mother moved. After hearing about all the things she said to her my blood was boiling and I wanted the woman nowhere near us. If I could have sent her to outer space I would have because I'm still pissed off about it.

"She's been moved to an institute on the other side of the country." I honestly answered her. "My guys say it wasn't easy but it was manageable."

After the meeting with her mother, I sat by just for support as she processed everything. After about two days her mother's doctor reached out to her which caused her to get upset all over again. I refused to sit by and watch her cry again, so I decided it was time to get the problem far far away from her.

I sat down with her and told her I wanted her mother moved out of Nashville. I didn't want her to have to go through this over and over again. The woman had her chance to make things right but instead she was just a cold and heartless bitch to her own flesh and blood.

Isabelle doesn't deserve that kind of treatment. She deserves so much better, she deserves people who love her for her and want her around.

She thought about what I told her I wanted to do for a moment, and then she agreed. She informed me she wants her mother as far away from her as possible. On top of that, Isabelle wanted me to make sure that there was no way she could ever contact her again.

So I pulled some strings and now her mother is long gone. Her mother and her doctor attempted to push back on it, trying to state she was close to being released so the move would be a waste of time. That only brought up the point that her mother indeed was almost going to be released and I could feel in my gut she'd try to seek Isabelle out again.

I don't think she wanted to see her for good reason in the first place. In my opinion it seemed like she had sought Isabelle out just to be able to hurt her. I wasn't about to let that bitch continue to do that, so she got a reevaluation and the new place refuses to release her. Partly because she still has some issues that need work but mostly because I instructed them very strictly not to.

As far as I'm concerned that bitch can die in there. Just because she shares blood with Isabelle doesn't mean they're family. Isabelle has a lot of people here who love her and welcome her with open arms, my family being most of them.

"Thank you." Her voice was practically a whisper as she looked to the ground.

Grabbing her chin between my fingers, I forced those gray orbs to look up at me. "No one will ever get away with hurting you. I will always protect you."

I mean it that wholeheartedly too. The only good that came out of this situation is it seemed to pull Isabelle and I back together. We still haven't moved on to boyfriend and girlfriend status but I'm not worried about that, what matters now is that we're close again and we don't need a title to confirm that.

She leaned in, placing a soft peck on my lips before pulling back. "You're amazing."

"No." I shook my head. "That's you Sweetheart."

She's amazing, she's sweet and kind. Isabelle is practically a rare gem in this fucked up world. I don't care how dark I have to go or whatever lengths I'm pushed to, no one and absolutely no one will get away with hurting her.

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