He Was A Cover For Her

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"Noami?" I called out as I entered the bar.

She looked up from the counter and shot me a smile. "Hey thanks for coming."

"No problem." I took the seat in front of her. "So what do you have for me? Please tell me it's something juicy."

Lord knows we need anything we can right now. Elise is relentless, it's only a matter of time before she musters back up the courage to mess with the Tipton's.

"Oh it is." Her eyes widened. "Real juicy."

"Well spill it." I pushed.

"I will in a second." She responded. "First, can I get you anything to drink?"

"Just water." I answered.

"Okay." Noami grabbed a glass and filled it with water and ice. She brought it back and placed it down in front of me. "Here ya go."

I take a drink and set it back down. "So, again spill the details."

A smirk quirked at her lips. "Elise Tunt is a fucking whore in hiding."

I arched my brow curiously. "And how did you come to this conclusion?"

"I told you the bar regular came in here right." She began to explain. "I worked my magic and began to flirt with him. Even gave him a free beer or two and he opened up so quickly."

"Okay." I nodded. "So what happened?"

"Once he was relaxed, I started talking to him about when he and his friends came in." She continued on. "I mentioned how his one friend was bragging about fucking Elise Tunt. The dude scoffed and dropped a bomb that may be worth looking into."

"Well don't leave me here in suspense." Clearly I was growing impatient as she seemed to be dragging this out.

"Apparently he has also slept with Elise." Noami informed me. "His friend wasn't bragging because he beat them all to it, he was bragging because it was finally his turn."

"Do you have any proof of this?" While the information was good, it did nothing if it was just our words against her's.

Elise had evidence of Kaydence's past and even a witness if she needed. If we wanted to stop her we needed to have just as much against her or even worse.

"Of course I got evidence." Noami acted as if she was hurt that I doubted her. "The evidence is why I wanted to meet in person. Besides, I felt like it was easier to talk in person."

"Okay." I smirked. "So where is it?"

Noami looked around the bar. "Why don't you come to the office in the back? It's quieter and there'll be less people to overhear it."

I got up from the stool I had been sitting on. She made a good point, the last thing I need is someone overhearing what she's going to share. Who knows how many enemies Elise has, someone could take the info and use it before we had the chance to.

"Casey, watch things." She shouted at the other bartender. "I'll be back in a few minutes."
"You got it." He nodded. His eyes lingered on Noami for a moment before he turned back to the task in front of him.

I could sense a little tension from both of them. Not necessarily in a bad way, in more of a 'I want to rip your clothes off' kind of way. I noted to myself to question Noami about it later.

As much as I'd love to get the juicy details between the two of them, now was not the time. The matter with Elise is the one taking priority.

Noami leads the way to the office in the back of the bar. She shut the door tightly behind us once we were both inside. I took a seat at her desk as she sat down on the other side.

"I had to give the guy a shot or two before he spilled the beans on everything." She picked up right where we had left off. "From what I understand, especially since the split from Sterling, Elise has pretty much slept with anyone she's deemed worthy."

"Could be a way for her to cope I guess." I shrugged, sounds like she was taking the whole 'only way to get over someone is to get under someone new' a little too literal.

"Yeah." Noami nodded. "Now don't get me wrong, I'm not slut shaming her or anything. If she wants to go get fucked then by all means let her, but it's shitty to be doing this while still being so damn determined to get your ex back."

"Agreed." I sighed. "What more did this guy say?"

Noami opened a drawer of her desk and placed down a few papers. She then slid them over to me. I picked them up and began to look each one over.

There's pictures printed of Elise kissing various men, there's screenshots of text messages that have been printed out. Some are between Elise and the man while some are group texts of the guys talking about their experience with her.

"Why'd he give you this stuff?" Seemed a little odd that this guy was willing to give a bartender all of this.

"Elise hurt him." Noami frowned. "After him, there was talk of her backing off the rest of the group to pursue something with him. Sounds like this guy really liked her and she led him on until she was able to get with his friend, who was the one who came in and bragged."

I'm not surprised to be honest. Elise has proved to only cause trouble and only cares about herself.

"He started pouring his heart out to me, as people do here when alcohol is in their system, and eventually he was more than willing to show me all this." She continued to explain. "I had him send me screenshots and I emailed them to my computer, I figured printing them out would be beneficial, like you would have official copies to keep on hand. I can send the screenshots over text if you'd prefer though."

"I'll take the papers but send me the texts." This was enough information to at least make Elise consider going away. I needed as many copies as I could for back up.

"Of course." Noami gladly obliged as she pulled out her phone. "You think this will help you guys?"
"Oh I know it will." I could practically feel it in my gut.

"How so?" Noami asked curiously.

"My guess is that if this comes out Elise is going to be in some big trouble with her family." I'm well aware how elite families view things. This would be embarrassing for them. "Which might explain why she wants Sterling so bad."

Noami furrowed her brows as she seemed to grow a little more confused. "To stay out of trouble?"

"Yes." I nodded. "From what I understand, she had her fair share of infidelity while with Sterling. He was a cover for her."

**Author's Note**

Sorry for the late update! Had some internet issues. Hope you guys enjoyed the update, let me know your thoughts!By the way if anyone is interested I've created a Facebook group where we call all get together and discuss the books! You can find it under Lys Marie's Reading Addicts

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