"E.T.A. Planet Mobius, thirty seconds..." a Swat-Bot said. "Five seconds, Dr. Robotnik."
"Mmmm, we're home, Cluck. I do miss the beauty of this place when I'm away." Robotnik said.
"Cluck cluck." Cluck said.
"Good morning, Dr. Robotnik. Exciting trip?" Snively asked.
"Shut up, Snively." Robotnik said.
"Cluck cluck." Cluck said.
"Oh what is it, Cluck? Does Hims need another head adjustment?"
Later at Dr. Robotnik's control room.
"Any hint of that troublesome hedgehog?" Robotnik asked.
"Not exactly, Dr. Robotnik." Snively said.
"What do you mean, not exactly? Either there is or there isn't."
"Well I- you see I- but I-.... Emergency, Dr. Robotnik! Monitor ten!"
"Isn't that one of those Freedom Fighters!?"
"Affirmative, sir. His name is Tails and he is usually accompanied by Sonic."
"Take him! Perhaps his cries will flush out...the hedgehog!"
'So a bit of a mini Sonic Underground now. This will be fun with him not having anything except his two tails.' he thought.
Meanwhile green plain was surrounded by forest.
Tails sniffed.
"Princess Sally will love these! I can't wait to give them to her!" he said and sniffed them. "Ah- ah- AHHH-choo!"
Then Buzz-Bomber came rushing towards him.
Meanwhile Rotor was searching his backpack in middle of woods humming.
"Nope, not here, uh-uh, nope, nope, nope, mmm!" he said.
"You ready, Rotor!?" Sonic asked.
"Hey Sal, don't you call me a fool, 'cuz baby you know that I'm way past cool! Way past cool! Way past cool, huh? How do you like the entrance? You know the way I come flyin' in; hit the old Axl Rose coze, right on the down beat." He sang while he played his guitar.
'It's been a while but still sounds fine to me. Even though it's not my old guitar.' he thought. 'I can't look at it, it'll make me think about that day.'
"Sally won't like it, it's too hard rock, it's gotta be softer."
"Softer!? What do ya mean, softer!? Oh, I hate softer! Softer is for pillows, for ice cream! Music has gotta move! It's gotta be pedal to the metal! It's gotta-" Sonic started.
"Ballad!" Rotor said.
"Ballad-shmallad! Nuh-uh, no way, man! Ballads make me wanna hurl! Ugh! Chunkage contained."
"Sonnniiic!" Tails said.
"Thought you said Tails was pickin' flowers!"
"He was... two minutes ago." Rotor said.
"The foul little beast is ours, Cluck. Yesssss... It worked! There's the hedgehog! Bomber one, the hedgehog is directly behind you! Forget the small one! Get Sonic! Get him! GET HIM!!!" Robotnik said from the monitor.
'He's going to be in older brother form easily.' he thought smirking a little.
"Hang tight, Tails! We're juicing warp seven!" Sonic said.
I've been hiding something from you
Hayran KurguSonic's been hiding something from the Freedom Fighters and only he and Robotnik know. Will it stay that way until the end?