Meeting The Evil Doctor

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You flutter you eyes open, unaware of where you are or what happened.
You turn your head to see a figure laying next to you. Your eyes adjust to the brightness of the sun and see that you are laying on your back with your legs in ice cold water unable to move or speak.
You finally are able to make out the figure beside you to see that it's Bucky who is unconscious.
You try to form a word but can't. You hear footsteps come one towards you and voices but can't make out what they are saying. You finally realize how much pain you are in and close your eyes and you drift back to being unconscious.

Bucky wakes up in a poorly lit building where he's strapped down on a hospital bed with wires attached to him and monitors beeping.
He turns his head to see that you are also strapped down unconscious and hooked up to monitors.
"Y/n." He calls your name but you don't move.
Bucky struggles against the straps but he's still weak from the fall.
"Finally you are awake." Some says as they enter the room.
"Who the hell are you? What have you done to her?!" Bucky yells.
"Pardon me. I'm Dr. Zola." He says as walks towards your unconscious body.
Dr Zola pulls a needle out from his pocket and uncaps it.
"What are you don't to her?!" Bucky yells again.
"Giving her something to help heal her." Zola says as he put the needle into your IV bag.
"Like hell you are! Let us go!"
"Who do you think saved you from that terrible fall?" Dr Zola says as he pushes the liquid into your IV bag and removes the needle.
Bucky stops struggling and starts to remember what happened on the train.
"I... I pulled us from the river." Bucky says quietly.
"Yes. And we brought you here, to Hydra where we helped you. You would have been dead if it weren't for us." Dr Zola says and walks over to Bucky. "You're friend, Captain America left you for dead. He never returned for you."
Bucky doesn't say a word. He lays there still in thought.
"No. He wouldn't." Bucky finally speaks up.
"Oh but he did. Don't worry. We have plans for you." Dr Zola says and walks out.

Bucky lays there staring at you as you start to open your eyes.
"Y/n?" Bucky says in a low and calming voice in hopes not to freak you out.
You fully wake up and look around.
"Bucky?" You say struggling to get your arms free. "What happened? Where are we?" You say in a panic.
"Do you remember the train?" He asks.
"Uh... yea. There was an explosion and we fell. But we didn't die?"
"After we fell into the river I pulled us out and Hydra brought us here. I'm not sure why." He says.
"Hydra? The Nazis?" You ask and stop struggling.
"I guess so. How do you feel?" Bucky asks.
"Fine actually. A mild headache but other than that no pain." You say and wiggle your legs to make sure nothing is broken. "How is this possible? No one should've survived a fall like that?"
"I'm not sure. Lucky us. I told you to let me go. Now look." Bucky says as he tries to lift his arms but is resisted by the straps.
"Don't you dare play the I told you so game. You fall I fall, remember?" You say with a smile.
Bucky smiles back and leans his head down on the bed.

Dr Zola returns to see that you are awake.
"Ah good you are awake." He says walking towards you.
"Who are you." You ask nervously.
"I am Dr Zola. We saved you." He says checking your monitors. "You both have seemed to heal quickly."
"How?" You ask trying not to shake from being scared.
"We'll see first we put you in cryo sleep for about 6 years and when your body was strong enough we took you out and started giving you.. ahh.. medicine." He said now checking Bucky's monitors.
"Cryo sleep?" Bucky questions.
"Oh do I need to explain every little thing? We pretty much put you on ice. You know..? Freezed you while you where alive."
You and Bucky stay silent in disbelief of what Zola just told you.
"Anyway since you both appear to be fully healed, tomorrow we start the fun stuff." He says with an evil grin and walks away.
"Wait! What are you talking about?" Bucky shouts but Zola doesn't turn around and walks out the door, locking it behind him.

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