The end

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Later that night after everyone leaves you, Bucky, Natasha, Wanda, Sam, Tony, and Bruce all sit around the sofa still drinking.
"I still can't believe you healed us." Natasha says still in shocked from the fight with Hydra.
"I can't believe Bruce was able to fix me and use Bucky as a human blood bag. So thank you too you both." You say and raise you glass and take a sip.
Bucky takes your hand in his and pulls it up to his face to kiss it.
"You two are cute together." Steve adds from across from you two.
"Why thank you Cap." You say laughing.
"I always knew it was gonna be you two." Steve continues.
"What do you mean?" Bucky asks.
"Even when we were teenagers. Hell even kids. There was always something there." Steve says smiling.
"Language!" Tony says loudly and everyone bursts out laughing.
"Yea that's never going away." Bruce says as he grabs his chest trying to breath in between laughs.
"I love you guys. Thank you for taking me in. For making feel like part of a family." You say smiling while looking at everyone.
"Well this family is forever." Wanda replies and raises her glass. "To family."
"To family." Everyone says together and take a sip. You look at Bucky and smile.
"I love you Bucky Barnes."
"And I love you y/n y/l/n." Bucky leans in to kiss you and kiss him back and smile through it.
"Well... I'm going to bed. Good night everyone." You say as you get up and grab Bucky's hand, pulling him off the sofa to follow you.

You pull Bucky into your room and close the door.
"You okay?" He asks confused as you stand in front of him.
Without saying a word you pull him in close and plant your lips on his. Without hesitation Bucky kisses you back having his right hand on the side of your face while the other on your lower back. Bucky slides his hands down to your butt to lift you up and wrap your legs around his waist still passionately kissing him. He carries you over the the bed where he sits down and you are now straddling him.
Bucky pulls always from you as you kiss him harder.
"What's wrong?" You ask.
"God, nothing. You are perfect." Bucky says smiling. You lean in to kiss him again and place your hand on his chest to push him down so he is now laying on the bed. You lean over him still straddling his hips and continue to kiss him. Your Bucky's hands are on your hips and you start swaying back and forth.
"Y/n" Bucky says in between kisses.
You slightly pull away. "Yes?"
"Are you sure?" He asks before things escalate.
"100% Bucky Barnes." You say smiling.
Bucky smiles and continues to kiss you. His lips move towards your neck as he lightly bites you. You let out a quiet moan causing Bucky to bite you a little harder. You lean back and start to take Bucky's shirt off. He rolls you over onto the bed so he his now on top of you. He sits up and pulls his shirt off. You lock off your shoes and sit up to take Bucky's belt off.
Bucky stares at your neck with a grin, admiring the mark he left. Bucky stands up to take his pants off showing his dark blue boxers. You slip off your dress with Bucky's help showing your white bra and panties.
Bucky looks you up and down admiring you and gently Hoover's over you and starts kissing your chest, making his way up to your lips.
Your run your hands through his hair and you slowly spread your legs allowing him access to keep going. He slides his tongue down your body to your panties and rips them off.
You try very hard not to blush has it turned you on remembering how strong he is. Bucky seeing how that turned you on, tore of your bra next and tossed it on the floor. He then removes his boxes and hovers over you.
He looks at you before doing anything, you nod in agreement allowing him to continue.

***you can imagine the rest ;)***

This may be the end to this story but I have another one coming soon and already have an idea for the storyline!

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