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Bruce successfully repairs the wound on your stomach and patches you up. Bucky is still being a human blood bag as he starts to lose consciousness.
"Okay." Bruce says as he removes the needle from Bucky's arm then yours. "I think we took too much blood from you." Bruce says and attaches an IV to him. "This should help."
"Is she going to be okay?" Bucky asks sitting up more to look at you. You're still unconscious and now in a hospital gown still attached to a few monitors.
"She's going to be just fine." Bruce says with a smile.
"Thank you."
Bruce nods and walks out the door to see the others sitting on the floor anxious to hear how the surgery went.
"How is she?" Natasha asks standing up from the floor.
"She lost a lot of blood but with the help from Bucky she's going to be okay. She should be waking up in a few hours." Bruce says.
Everyone lets out a sigh of relief and hugs Bruce in a group hug to thank him.
"She needs rest at the moment. Bucky will let us know when she wakes up." Bruce says and everyone agrees to give them some space and walk out of the hallway to their separate ways.

A few hours have gone by and you still haven't woken up. Bucky pulls his chair closer to your bed and takes out his IV. He takes your hand in his and gently rubs his thumb on the back of your hand.
"I'm so sorry y/n." He says staring down at your hand in his. "It's all my fault. This shouldn't have happened. I shouldn't have let you stayed to fight." Bucky continues and now has tears forms in his eyes.
"I'm so sorry. Please wake up." Bucky says not with tears falling down his checks and leans his head down onto your hands.
"It wasn't your fault." You say groggily as you open your eyes and hold onto Bucky's hand tighter.
Bucky lifts his head to look up at you. You see the tears on his checks and show a slight smile.
"This was not your fault. You did not pull the trigger."
"Y/n..." Bucky says with a sigh of relief and stands up to get closer to you. He places his forehead on yours still holding onto one of your hands.
You take your other hand and place it on his check. With your thumb you wipe away a few tears.
"I'm glad you're okay." He says with a slight smile still holding his forehead to yours.
"I love you." You whisper.
"I love you more." Bucky whispers back and plants his lips on yours. You kiss him back and pull him in closer.
Bucky pulls always and sits on the edge of the bed and smiles at you.
"I'm glad your okay." You say as you start to remember more about the fight with Hydra. And everything comes back. You remember seeing everyone on the ground, covered in blood, unconscious.
"Wait! Is everyone okay? What happened?" You say in a panic and the monitor behind you starts to rapidly beep as it detects your heart raging and you blood pressure spike.
"It's okay. Everyone is okay." Bucky says quickly to calm you down.
"B-but everyone was dead. You were shot."
"And you healed me. You healed everyone." Bucky says reassuring you and strokes your hair.
"How." You say calmly as the monitor stops beeping.
"I'm not sure but you did. I felt you, it was like a sense of warm protective energy washed over me and I knew it was you." Bucky says with a smile.
Your eyes start to fill with tears of joy and Bucky kisses your forehead.
"You saved all of us. Now let us protect you. Get some rest." Bucky says and you nod in agreement.
"Are you hungry?" Bucky asks.
"Yea. I could eat." You say and wipe your eyes.
"Okay. I'll go ask Bruce to see what you're allowed to eat." Bucky says and walks out the room.

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