Experimenting with a Cube

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Years go by, but you lost count as you and Bucky are in and out of cryo sleep, constantly being experimented on and tortured. You never know how long you were sleeping for, or how long you are awake.
You're sitting in you cell on the old mattress they gave you. You can hear Bucky's scream but can't do anything about it. You've tried yelling at the to stop and picking the lock on your cell but nothing works. So you sit there in silence trying to block out Bucky's screams.
Hours go by and they finally toss Bucky into the cell next to yours.
You look at him worried as he crawls up to the side bars where you are sitting on the other side of.
"I'm okay." Bucky says as he sits up, leaning against the bars.
"We still don't know why they are doing this." You say.
"Don't worry. Steve will find us." Bucky says with hopefulness.
"No he won't. He thinks we died when we fell. No ones knows we're re here." You say staring at the other side of your cell.
"We will get out of here." Bucky assures you.
"I lost all hope." You say and lay down on your mattress facing Bucky's cell.
Bucky also lays down on his mattress looking at your through the metal bars and grabs your hand.
"As long as we are together there's hope." He says with a slight smile trying not to worry you from the pain he's in.
You fall asleep holding his hand. Bucky never let's go as it's the only comfort either of you have.

The next morning two guards open your cell waking you up.
"Rise and shine." The first guard says as he enters your cell and pulls you up.
"You'll be okay y/n. Stay strong." Bucky says as he watches the guards take you away down the hall and through a door.
But this time they take you farther down the hall into a different room. They don't strap you down to a chair but left you in the room standing.
"Hey?" You yell as the two guards leave and lock the door behind them. "What's going on?"
"Good morning y/n. We are going to try something different today." A man says behind a glass window but you don't recognize him.
"Where's Dr Zola? You ask concerned as he's always there for every experiment, every torture session.
"Dead. I'll be taking over now." He continues and presses a button.
On the other end of the room is a tall table that is being covered and you did not notice until now. The cover opens up and revels a blue cube that is glowing.
"What is that?" You ask walking up to it.
"It's called a tesseract. Go ahead and touch it." The man says.
"What will happen?" You ask a little scared and stop in front of it.
"I guess we will have to see." He says and you can hear in his voice that he is enjoying this.
You always do what Hydra says as you've learned the hard way as to what happens if you say no. They stopped torturing you and decided to torture Bucky. And it the same way if he says no... they will torture you.
You raise your hand and take touch to cube with your index finger but nothing happens. So you grab it with both hands and hold it. You turn to face the glass where the man is.
"I don't understand, is something suppose to happe-" you begin to say but the cube finally has a reaction and sets off a small explosion knocking you into the far wall on the other side of the room.
"I told you this will happen. None of the other subjects survived this stage." Someone says in a deep voice.
"But she held it. Everyone else only had to touch it." The man said.
Two guards enter the room to check on you.
"She's alive sir." Says the guard as he's knelt down beside your unconscious body.
"Take her to the infirmary quickly. We can't lose her now." He says and the guards rush you out the door.
"Sir, you did it."
"I know Rumlow. Now let's get her ready." Pierce says.

You wake up in the infirmary attached to monitors.
"What happened?" You say looking at the new Doctor.
"You have the power now. You will be our greatest weapon yet." He says and turns to see a man who entered the room.
"Good you are alive. Time to start phase 2." He says.
"What? Phase 2? Who are are? What are you talking about?" You ask in a panic.
"My name is Pierce." He says with a grin.

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