The Guilt

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"I did this. This wasn't Hydra." You say and feel the tears fall down your face.
Bucky puts his hands down and walks quickly towards you but you step back.
"This isn't right. I need to go." You say and go to turn around.
"Y/n don't leave. This isn't your fault. You might have been in control but Hydra still manipulated and tricked you." Bucky says and grabs your hand.
"Look. He will be okay." He says and looks down at Steve who is attempting to stand up and is clearly healing already.
"I'm okay too." Sam says coughing from the other room.
"I-I can't." You struggled to say and you remember what you said to Pierce.
"We will take down Hydra and will finally be free from them. You have family here. They will only hurt you more." Bucky says pulling you toward him but you don't struggle against it and lean into him as he wraps his arms around your shoulders and places on hand on your head. You lean into him and wrap your arms around his waist.
"I'm sorry." You say into his chest.
"It's okay. You're safe now." He says placing his head on top of yours.
Still not letting go of Bucky you open your eyes to see that Steve is fully standing while holding his hand to his ribs and smiles at you.
You show him a small smile and the tears stop.
"I'm sorry Steve." You say still not letting go of Bucky.
"It wasn't your fault. I am glad to see that you are both alive." He says and pats your back.
"Shes a fighter." Bucky says and looks down at you smiling.
You finally pull away from Bucky and walk over to Steve. He pulls you into a hug.
"I've missed you." He says hugging you tightly.
"I missed you too." You say and let go of him when someone else enters the room which is still a mess as there is a wall that is no longer standing but is now destroyed and all over the floor.
"What the hell happened?" Tony says and sees you.
"Tony wait-" Steve began to say but Tony quickly was able to activate his watch which transformed into a glove from his suit and fired.
You put your hands up forming a shield and blocking the blast.
"That's uh... new." You say confused as you've never done this before.
You put your hands down along with the shield.
"She's not under Hydras control anymore." Steve says and takes a few steps forward and is now standing between Tony and you. Bucky also steps in front of you.
"Really? Because you look like hell and there is a wall missing." He says gesturing to the place where you pushed Steve and knocked it down.
"I'm sorry. But I can explain." You say stepping forward.
"Please do." Tony says still with his hand up and powered to fire at any moment.
You and Steve explain everything about the fight and how Hydra tricked you into thinking that they killed Bucky.
"Well she did shoot me but the glasses I was wearing were bullet proof and blocked it. But the impact made me stumble and I went over the barrier and off the bridge." Bucky adds in at the end.
"So, all 3 of you knew each other." Tony asks still confused.
"Yes. We grew up together and joined the army." You add. "But I'm still confused on how your not.. you know... All old and wrinkly.. or dead?"
Steve explained how we stopped one of the Hydras planes that had bombs on it by crashing it into the ocean and was frozen in ice asleep for almost 70 years.
"Okay.. and you are Howard's son?" You ask Tony.
"Unfortunately yes." He says rolling his eyes as he never did have a good relationship with his father.
"Wow... this is a lot. Wait! What about Peggy?" You ask Steve.
"She had a good life. She got married, had kids, grandkids. And is now living in a nursing home."
"A what?" You ask confused.
"It's a place where old people go." Tony says quickly.

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