Hail Hydra

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You wake up in your cell after the brainwashing wears off. You sit up and remember what happened on your mission.
"Steve?" You say in confusion as you can't keep track what year it is.
You look around your cell and don't see Bucky in his but you do see a guard standing at the door way down the hall.
"Hey! What year is it?" You shout so he can hear you.
"2012." He replies.
69 years? Steve doesn't look like he aged a day.. is it from the super serum? Has he really been alive this whole time? And not once came for us? No... he looked surprise when he saw us. He thought we were dead.
Pierce walks into the hall breaking your thoughts and stops at your cell.
"How's my Winter Spy?" He asks.
You stand up and walk to the cell door. "Why do you have us going after Captain America?"
"Because he poses a threat to us. To Hydra." He answers.
"I won't do it."
"You have no choice. Why would you want him to succeed? We healed you, and gave you powers, gave you strength."
"I rather be dead." You say staring at him through the metal bars.
"Are you sure you don't want revenge instead?" He says with a smile.
"Revenge for what?"
"For killing Bucky."
"You're lying! You've separated us before and told me he was dead!" You say angry.
"You sure?" Pierce says and pulls out a phone from his pocket. "While you were here sleeping I sent him on a solo mission to eliminate Captain America. But he failed." Pierce plays a video and it's as clear as day. Bucky is fighting Steve, another man and women on a bridge. The women pulls out a gun and shoots Bucky in the head. He then falls of the bridge and out of sight from the camera.
You stare in disbelief and start to shake.
"No, no, no. That's not true! It's a fake!" You shout as tears start to fall from your checks.
"I'm sorry my dear. But it's true. Trust me, he was a good asset. But he failed." Pierce says.
You fall to the ground screaming. It's too much to bare and you feel your power growing inside of you and you can't control it. You scream as loud as you can and blue energy flows out of you pushing Pierce and the guard agains the wall. Your energy dies down and you stop crying.
"But you will not fail. I will let you have your revenge." Pierce says as he adjust himself and walks back to your cell door.
"I will kill him. And I will not stop there. I will kill his friends too." You say and look up at Pierce.
"I will even take your collar off so you have full control and all of your power." He says and pulls out the remote to press a button and it falls of your neck onto the floor.
"Now I am trusting you that you will not disobey me." He says.
"I won't. I owe you for saving my life." You say and stand up. "Hail Hydra."

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