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A/n: there will be sexual innuendo in this burned out paradise, there will be comments on this fiction, and there will be illogical statements from my brain for all of you to see. Thank you, I'll be here all month.

Theadora's POV:

I was smoking a cigarette, standing on the corner. The night air brushed through my hair, giving me a light chill. After all, I was only wearing jean shorts and a snake skin bikini top. This street, behind the Roxy, it was where I belonged. I could stuff my face full of cocaine, or the lips between my hips full of some rock star's cock. I could fill my veins with China White, or rock myself onto someone's lap, making out aggressively with them. This was the sweet life, my own slice of paradise.

Then I was knocking on the backdoor, trying to get backstage. Security never gave me a hard time. Who cares when it happens every day? The door opened almost on its own, letting me inside to see Skid Row. A dark-haired man with a gold chain dangling from his nose was standing right in front of me, but he already had a chick on his shoulder. I don't do threes with other girls.

A few more steps in, a blond with a red cup in his hand was standing there. There was no one else with him. "Hey," I started, twirling my hair. He looked down at me, his stature towering over me.

He raised an eyebrow. "Hello, little thing." My whopping height of 5' 4" seemed to amuse him. "What's up?"

"What's your name?" I asked him, batting my eyes.

He laughed. "I'm Sebastian. You flirt a lot for a cat I don't even know."

A cat. I loved it when guys referred to girls like that. I always have, and I don't know why. I smiled weakly, but still hoped it was sexy.

"Are you gonna introduce yourself?" He took a sip from his red cup.

"It's Theadora. Not that you'd remember it unless..." I walked my fingers up his arm.

"Unless I spent a night with you?" He raised an eyebrow again. "Sorry, Theo. I'm not interested in a one night stand."

"Who said anything about sex?"

"Your heavy flirting." He finished his drink. "It was nice meeting you, but I've gotta go on stage."

"You sure you can't change your mind?" I batted my eyes again. "I'd make it worth your while. When's the last time you got good free sex?"

Sebastian laughed loudly. "That's real nice, but you'll tell that to anyone who looks at you the right way. I'm just not interested right now. I'll go out with you for a drink if it makes you all that happy."

"How do you know I won't just run off with someone else instead?" I licked my lips as he moved my dark hair off of my neck. He leaned forward, sucking the skin right on the front of my neck hard. He left an enormous hickie right there!

"No one else will touch ya now. It's a sealed deal. I'll be waiting for you after the show." And then he walked away, dropping his empty cup on the floor. I was in disbelief. I'd been hoping to get a quickie from him, I just wanted to get off. Now I was set up with a date, and I'd have to apply a ton of makeup to the dark bruise on my neck. This fucking sucks!


I didn't bother to watch the show, I was too pissed off. Sebastian seemed happy, however. He smiled widely as he walked up to me, leading me out of the venue."You're angry with me." It wasn't a question.

"Yes, I'm angry with you."

"No problem a little booze can't solve." His enthusiasm made me even more irritated. "If I buy you the good whisky, will you find it in your heart to forgive me for that massive hickie?"

"I would, but now my hot date with Bret Micheals tomorrow night is ruined."

"How do you know he'd sleep with you? What if I wanted to keep you?"

"Don't talk to me like I'm stupid. Your kind never sticks around."

Sebastian laughed, pulling me around a corner. "My kind? What about your kind? Would you ever settle down?"

Would I ever settle down? Why would I do that? Life on the fast lane is nothing but utter bliss. Who can remember how sad your life is because you don't have any real friends when everyone is your friend? I didn't answer the question. "Would you?"

He thought for a minute. "If she was pretty enough I might. The right looker..." His voice trailed off as though he wanted to say something more.

"Then you really are like all the rest of them. You'd probably date a model." He snorted. "What's so funny?"

"I would never date a model again. Already made that mistake once, thank you." I was taken aback. He'd committed to a relationship? Maybe he wasn't so much like all of the others.

The night air pushed us through a door to one of LA's many local bars. It was fairly unimpressed, but I could be sure that this would be an interesting date. "Two bottles of Jack, please."

"That's the good whisky?" I asked, sitting at a bar stool before he took the one next to me.

"I'm a broke wannabe. You think I've got money for the good stuff?"

"Steal it," I dropped my voice.

He shot me a look. "No, thanks. I like my freedom."

"You're no fun. No sex, no theft. What do you actually do?" I slumped down on the table, disappointed in this man. I really thought he might be interesting.

He pointed to my neck. "I do that. And I can party."

"Can you?" The question was sarcastic. Yeah, right. I'm sure he just loved partying. He'd sip lightly on one bottle of beer and ask a girl out before disappointing her.

"Sure. You should come, actually. There's a party with the rest of the band tomorrow night. It's down at this apartment." He took a pen out of his pocket, and then wrote an address on a cocktail napkin. "You'll be a hero if you can get some coke."

I took the napkin, stuffing it in the pocket of my shorts. "I'll think about it."

"I really hope you come, Theo."

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