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Sebastian's POV:

I felt the compulsion to spend money on a lavish dinner for Theodora that evening. Little did I know, Theodora was not the type of person who partook in lavish dinners. She glanced over the glossy, multi-paged menu with an upturned nose. "I don't really like this," she complained. I'll just take a slice of chocolate cake." She put the menu down.

"You can't just have cake for dinner."

"I'll have whatever I damn well please." She sat back in the chair. "Do they have cocktails here?"

"I really don't think that you should be-" I didn't get to finish before she was already gone. Her ass wiggling a little as she trotted over to the fancy bar. I groaned as I followed after her. I put my hand on her back while I sat down on the tall chair next to her. "But I'll pay for anything that you buy."

"I sure hope you will."

"I didn't bring you here to get fancy cocktails," I pointed out. "I was expecting to buy a two hundred dollar meal."

"Now you get to buy two hundred dollar drinks." She looked at the bartender, seeing a green drink with dry ice. "That looks good. Can I get one of those?" The bartender nodded to her, ready to prepare another one of the complicated cocktails. 

"Just give me a strawberry margarita," I told the man. Theodora looked at me. "I can drink too."

"I know. I just thought you might get something a little more manly."

"What? Guys aren't allowed to like strawberries?" I crossed my arms. "When's the last time you got something extremely feminine? You're one of the least girly girls I've ever met."

"Well don't say that." As if to mark her point, she pulled her shirt lower so that her tits were threatening to fall out of it. "I've got femininity."

"I didn't mean physically." I tried to keep my eyes on her face, but she was making it difficult, wiggling around in the chair. "You're frustrated, aren't you?" It made sense. Someone who slept around all of the time suddenly denied sex. That would explain why she had been so moody lately. Theodora's eyes flashed at me as though I'd just revealed a secret.

"Of course not." She looked away, back towards the bartender. That had been the first time I'd ever seen her embarrassed. It was strange as well, what would her reason for being embarrassed be? She'd never been shy talking about that stuff before. The drinks we ordered were presented in front of us, and Theodora started draining hers like she was losing a race.

"Whoa," I went to tell her to slow down, but stopped myself. She'd barely be tipsy after that drink, even if it was filled with tequila. I took a small sip of my drink. 

"If you didn't mean it physically," She started to ask, glass now empty, "then how did you mean it?"

"I don't know. There's just something about you." I wanted to die, to have this conversation over. The only reason I didn't find her feminine was because she oversexualized everything. She seemed to know how well how the man's mind worked. It made sense, after all, she was basically raised exclusively by men. The bartender came back over, open-mouthed at the fact that her glass was now empty.

"Hurricane?" She asked, voice sounding sweet. He nodded, off to make her his next creation. "Well I don't think you're very masculine. No one has that much restraint." She pursed her lips. "We've been out for a few dates now. When do I get to the good part?" The hurricane she asked for was given to her.

"This is the good part. You're probably costing me fourteen hundred dollars." I drank some more of my own margarita. "Or is that not enough?"

"I meant the physical stuff. We'll have plenty of time to worry about feelings when we're older. How about we fuck now and think about it later?"

"Your offer sounds great, but I still say no."

She slumped down, starting to drink like her life depended on it once more. "You're no fucking fun."

"Aww, don't pout." I rubbed her cheek with my thumb. "I promise it'll be worth the wait." The fact that I'd even gotten her locked down was a pain in the ass. To think that now she was mine and she couldn't do the one thing she wanted to do? I was totally going to want to kill myself if she begged like this all of the time.


"She's a real cheese when that cat's awaaaaay," Theodora sang, thoroughly drunk. We were leaving the bar, having spent more money than I had. I'd been taking it easy, but I knew still that we were both very drunk. 

"Ha, you sing fucking better than me," I slurred. "Shit." I could feel the alcohol starting to not sit too well with me. I was going to vomit everywhere if I wasn't careful. Theodora on the other hand, seemed to have no problems spewing her guts into a nearby bush. I held her hair back. "Fucking- Fuck," I sighed. "Vette, look at you."

She stood up once more. "Take me home, Glitz. We need to get home." She put her arm around me. Her scent was horrible. I helped her hobble over to a nearby cab. I told him the address, looking nervously at Theodora. Her face was turning green. She opened the back window, putting her face out of it. The cab sped away. My arms went around Theodora, hoping to hold her. I knew she had a high alcohol tolerance, but I didn't realize she could get this drunk in just a few hours. Her head ended up on my shoulder, eyes closed. "You're pretty, Glitz." 

"Try not to be sick on me." The cab driver shot me a look through the mirror. "Oh, please. You knew we were both fucking drunk." He gave me the finger in response, but didn't stop driving us. I could feel Theodora's body getting heavier on my shoulder. She'd passed out on me. I chuckled at her, she looked at peace in that moment. Far too innocent to be the party girl that she was. 

How could I think I could change her so easily?

Rattlesnake Shake (Sebastian Bach)Where stories live. Discover now