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Theodora's POV:

"You did lovely," The man whose name I didn't know told me. He pulled up his pants while I laid on the leather couch, breathless. I looked left and right, trying to regain my sanity. He kissed me once more on the throat before leaving. It had been a little while, so I'd forgotten what being cheap felt like. The best feeling in the world really. No names, just a great fucking time.

I did feel a little remorse for it though. Sebastian still thought I was being so patient for him. Meanwhile, I was sneaking out late at night just to hang out backstage. I guess that's what they say. Old habits die hard.

I redressed myself, stumbling to my feet. I could feel that this guy hadn't used protection, which I hadn't objected to, and I was glad to be on pills. Kids were definitely not a part of my plan. They were probably a part of Sebastian's though. After all, he did mention wanting a house full of kids. I hoped he wasn't stupid enough to think that he might be getting that with me.

I went down the hallways of backstage, flashing signature smiles at everyone who glanced down at me. It felt nice to know I was still appreciated. Nothing had changed at all.

Except that everything had changed. This was the fourteenth night in a row I'd snuck out. Sebastian had caught on to me. He was standing outside, tapping his foot. "What were you doing in there?" He asked.

I hoped he was gullible. "Getting a drink. Watching the opening band perform from the side of the stage." First rule of cheating. No hickies. That had been steadily abided by. No marks on my skin had been made tonight.

"That's all you were doing?" He crossed his arms. I shifted uncomfortably, feeling everything inside of me starting to settle a bit. "Vette, I'm not sure if it was clear to you. When you're in a relationship, you aren't allowed to go out and see other people. Especially not on a nightly basis!" I crossed my arms. This lecture? Really?

"You should've known what you were getting yourself into," I pointed out to him. "I'm never exclusive." Sebastian looked like he wanted to tear his hear out. Instead, he simply grabbed my arm. He was pulling me harshly to his car. "Where do you think you're taking me? Quit pulling on me!" I struggled against his grip, but he pulled me against his body. For the first time in my life, I felt worried that a man might hurt me.

"You're being a brat. Check your attitude or you're on lockdown."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means no more sneaking out!" He let me go. Instead of looking angry as I'd thought he was, he only looked hurt. "All I asked was for you to be patient. I didn't think it'd be that hard. I was gonna let up early! All you had to do was wait, Theodora! All you had to do was fucking wait!" His yelling was bringing tears to my eyes. Dad used to yell at me. Tell me that I was going to get myself killed if I didn't grow up. If I didn't show a little skin I'd never get a job, he told me. What a shitty dad. But Sebastian yelling at me? Someone who was clearly sober? It burned like the flames of Hell. 

He must've caught sight of my hurt expression, because he softened. "Don't cheat on me," He told me. He opened the car door for me. "I won't yell at you if you keep your skirt down around other people." He held out his pinky. "Is that a deal?"

I nodded, locking my pinky with his. "That sounds like a deal to me," I sighed. Another lie, I was damn sure of it. I'd have to be extremely careful if I wanted to get away with this again. Either that, or Sebastian would have to make like a rabbit. I wonder how I could pull out that side of him. Every man has one. Where they can't control themselves, no matter how hard they try. I was sure of it. I'd been so good at finding it my whole life. But Sebastian had me stumped. I didn't know how to find that part of him.

Sebastian got into the driver's seat, starting the car. "I'm sorry that I yelled at you," He whispered. "Please don't do this to me again." His sincerity hurt me more than his yelling. Maybe I did have a moral code after all. 

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