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Sebastian's POV:

I watched Theodora in her element. She was gorgeous, and I hated that about her. She put a straw against a massive white line, doing the whole thing in a grand snort. When she pulled her head up, she rubbed her nose like it was nothing. She was a danger to me. A real serpent, truly.

And I was finally falling for every one of her tricks. 

I came over at sat next to her, spreading out my own line to best her. "You think you're ready for that?" She asked me. "You think you're ready to party with the cool kids?"

I snorted the line. "I think I'm ready to fuck you into next week," I told her. I pressed my lips to her neck. The drugs, the alcohol, the thin layer of smoke filling the air - all of it was fucking with my head. I couldn't think straight, and I was saying things I was going to regret. "C'mon, Vette. Let's go. Let's fuck." I grabbed her arm, pulling her. "Let's go fuck them all away. Be loud and nasty." I was starting to undo my pants right in front of her.

That's when she stopped me. "Whoa, Glitz. Calm down." Calm down? She was the one who'd been begging for it for months! And now she was telling me that it was too much? "Not now."

"Why not?" I was still grabbing at her clothes.  She grabbed my hands again, grip firm. "What's the problem?"

"I can't. Not right now." She was shaking her head again. Her feet were planted on the floor now. I watched her start to walk away from me. I needed to follow her, to see where she was going.  I stumbled to my feet. She left a trail of destruction behind her, which made it much easier to find that she'd gone to the bathroom.

I knocked on the door. "Vette?" I asked. Inside, I heard her vomiting. I pulled the lock, breaking in. She was bent over the dirty toilet, clearly embarrassed. I closed the door behind me. "Hey, sweetheart. What's wrong?"

"I'm fucking pathetic!" She complained. "A little too much whiskey and it's all flowing right back out of me. A long line of cocaine and my head is spinning. I used to be able to party all night."

"Then maybe you're just partying too hard. The night would last longer if you just slowed down-"

"I can't slow down! Living life at fifteen thousand miles an hour, that's living. I'm gonna go faster than anyone ever has."

"You're gonna kill yourself is what you're gonna do." I shook my head. "I hope you find what you're looking for when you don't wake up." Theodora grabbed me. Her lips pressed against mine, tasting horribly. She reached into her pocket, pulling out more cocaine. 

"One more line, baby. I need you do to one more." She was dipping her finger in, lifting it to my nose. I snorted it without thinking twice. "There we go." She ran her fingers under my chin, pulling me towards her lips. 

"I thought you were saying no," I reminded her. The lines of the world were starting to blur together. Light was of no essence since I could barely keep my eyes open as it was. "I thought you didn't want it." She kissed me again, sliding her tongue into my mouth. I could feel myself moving my hands under her thighs. I changed the way that I was sitting to get her onto my lap.

"I said.." She gasped, kissing me more passionately. She spun us around, pushing me back against a wall. "I said no fucking."

I kissed her, finally understanding the game that we were playing. "You're a little snake," I told her. "Trying to give me a taste of my own medicine."

"How does it feel?" She asked.



When I woke up the next morning, I didn't know where I was. I was laying on the cold, tile floor of a bathroom in the middle of nowhere. Syringes and empty cups lied all around me, even in here. Theodora was sitting next to me, a smirk on her face. "Sleep well, Glitz?" She asked me.

"Uhhh," I groaned, barely able to sit up. "How are you not hungover right now?"

"I'm used to it. But you had way more to drink than I did last night." She held her hand out. "Come on, babe. We're gonna go get some coffee for you." I squinted in the light as she brought me out of the dark bathroom.

"Listen," I sighed, "about last night. I didn't mean to make you-"

"It's alright. You didn't make me uncomfortable, you were just being horny. It happens to all of us." She brushed it aside so carelessly. I felt like I'd harassed her, forced her into a situation she didn't want. But here she was telling me that I was just in a mood? What a woman.

My woman.

"Besides," Theodora added, "now I know you actually have a libido."

"What'd you think? That I never had sex?"

"Yes." Her answer was very forward. Questionless. "But I can use that against you, y'know?" Her tone changed to he teasing again. "Now I know you want me too."

"How can I not? You're gorgeous, wild, free, you're prefect." She froze. "Did I say something-?"

"I've gotta go. I ain't perfect, Sebastian." She left me standing just outside of the house we'd spent the night at. I didn't even know what I did.

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