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Sebastian's POV:

I waited until it was dark out before I went looking for Theodora. If she was smart, she wasn't hanging out in the dressing room of a random rock star. I was hurt that I wasn't special, but it's not as though it came as the biggest shock in the world. Of course, I thought that she might've been able to change.

I was an idiot for that, too. Despite knowing it was cruel to try and keep her away from the life that she'd wanted, I really had done it. I'd done it out of my own selfishness. I wasn't the only one guilty of that crime here, but that didn't make it justified. 

Theodora wasn't particularly difficult to find. She was smoking a cigarette behind The Roxy. Next to her was a half-empty bottle of Jack Daniels. I was a little shocked to see her alone. Her eyes caught sight of me quickly. "What're you doing here?"

"I came looking for you." I reached for her, but she stepped away from me. "I'm sorry for what I did, but I want to start over. I don't want to give you up over something so stupid."

"It's not over something stupid, Sebastian. There's nothing between us. We're just too different." She looked away from me. I took her cigarette out of her mouth, taking a drag before returning it to her.

"How many bad boys out there have girls who dress all in light pink and don't even use the word fuck in daily conversation?" I crossed my arms. "We'll just be the other way. I like you, really."

"Oh yeah? If you like me so much, then why did you want to change me?"

"I was greedy! I wanted to keep you all to myself because the world isn't worthy of you!" I was trying to play that trick that every girl usually likes. Then I remembered that Theodora was nothing like every girl. "Because I knew that you were made only for me to fuck," I sighed.

Theodora's head snapped up at that comment. "How could you know that? We've never done it."

"Well, we should have! I wanted to, and I still do! You're fucking hot; how can I not feel that way?"

"Why didn't you tell me that before?"

"Because I didn't want to become another name on your shelf, okay? I wanted to be special, and I wanted to know that someone out there loved me for more than the fact that I could get them pretty things and leave them alone for long enough to cheat on me." I waved my hand to The Roxy. "Clearly some take longer than others to figure that out."

Theodora smiled sadly. "Do you really feel that way? Do you really think that there's no one out there that's not gonna take advantage of you?"

"Yes!" Confessing it felt so good, honestly. I'd never felt so vulnerable. "And I want that person to be you. Please, let it be you." I could feel my knees getting ready to bend, my fingers getting ready to clasp together. I was going to beg her to stay, no matter how humiliating it was. I'd fallen in love with her, fallen a victim to her charms. I'd meant it before when I'd told her that she was perfect, even after knowing she was still cheating on me. "Please, Vette. No more of this trying to change who you are."

Theodora took her hands into mine. "This is the last time we're trying this. If I still don't feel it, I'm leaving."

"You don't feel anything?"

She looked away from me. "I don't know what I feel." I felt my breath catch in my throat. She felt it. She was falling in love with me. The thought made me dizzy. That was the reason why she wanted to leave me. She was scared of her own feelings. It all made sense now.

"Why don't you come back home and figure it out with me?" I held my hand out. "I hear make-up sex is supposed to be great." I smiled at her, and she chuckled. 

"If that's what you want." She bent down to grab her bottle before taking my hand. "I hope the guys like me enough to keep me sticking around."

"Are you kidding? They love you." I stopped. "On second thought, I might have to lock you away from them, too." Theodora laughed at this, and I smiled. I was happy that she was staying with me. We were okay now. 

Love is painful, indeed. But it is such a beautiful thing. 


I did rather enjoy writing characters that I didn't one hundred percent agree with. Nice separation from author here.

TWC: 17500

Forever and always,
Davy fuckin' Jones

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