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Theodora's POV:

I woke up in the front seat of a car. That was not a first for me. Underneath of me was a man who was snoring lightly. This was also not a first for me. My head was throbbing as I took a closer look at him. Sebastian? I'd forgotten most of what had happened last night. I don't know how I got here. I remember having to piss, these guys trying to feel me up while I sat on a dirty toilet, but everything after that was mostly a blur. The entirety of last night was honestly a blur. "Theo?" Sebastian asked, his voice barely above a whisper. "Are you alright?"

"Why wouldn't I be?" I asked, rubbing my head. Ow!!  This one spot on my head hurt like a motherfucker! "What's wrong with my head?"

"You hit your head getting into the car. You knocked yourself out. I didn't know if I should've taken you to the hospital, but I was too fucked up to drive..." His voice trailed off. 

"I get it. You could've gotten both of us concussions worse than the one that I probably already have."

"You don't have one. You weren't vomiting or anything. Well, sort of. It's complicated." He seemed to be trying to tell me that I was too drunk to tell if I'd seriously injured myself or not. Wow, that's reassuring. "I'm sure that you're fine." I sat up completely now, Sebastian following after me. 

"You really do know how to party. Can't remember the last time I had that much fun." I reached for the car door, but Sebastian grabbed me, pulling me against him. "What are you doing?" How dare he stop me from leaving.

"Stay a little longer. Just for me to know that you're not stumbling around somewhere with a concussion." He seemed sincere, but everyone's got more than one motive. I couldn't be sure that he was an exception. 

"Fine. But you're buying me breakfast."

"Sure. Let's go hit a diner." He opened the door on his side, pulling me out with him. He kept a protective arm over my shoulder while we walked away from the car. 

"Why do you have your arm around me?"

"To make sure that you don't fall."

"You like me, don't you?" I smirked at him. "After that special night after all?"

"Not after seeing all those men you who were all over you last night. I think you had seven different people there."

"You say that like it's not impressive. You had how many girls?" 

"You wanna compete with how many different people I've slept with?" There's no way he hadn't been down that road. He's a rock star. "You go first then. How many are you up to?"

"How many?" I counted it off. There was that night, and that night. I started counting my fingers. "Maybe fifty in the last year?" I thought allowed. "That's fifty different people. Some people were special. They got two nights. Some more than that." I'd had a short relationship in that time period, too. It was exclusive, but I wasn't the type of person who liked to be tied down. 

"That's impressive. I think I might be at fifteen or so over the last year." He looked down at me. "But I'm done living like that. I'm not really happy with it."

"Deep confession, man." I was teasing him, but he seemed unbothered by the notion that he had little masculinity. I didn't know what he meant though. You can have all the sex you want. Why wouldn't you be happy leading the happiest life in the world? That's crazy talk. "Mmm," I groaned. "I can taste those blueberry pancakes already."

Sebastian chuckled. "I can hear your stomach growling from over here. Hungry much, aren't we?"

"I'm starving. I think I threw up the last week's worth of food." My throat was still sore from last night. Why had I drank so much? 

"I agree with you." He opened the door for me, letting me in first. I found us a booth, against a window, sinking into the seat closer to the window. He took the seat on the other side. I drummed my fingers on the table while he read over the menus already placed in front of us ahead of time. "Waffles, or an omelet?" He wondered allowed. 

"An omelet?" I echoed. "Those smell horribly."

"Maybe I'll eat one then, just to piss you off." He wore a large grin after he said it.

"You wanna piss me off when I'm hungover?" I cocked an eyebrow at him. 

"Oh, I really do. I'd love to see what you might do." 

"Keep dreaming, crazy boy."


"Will you quit calling me that! Theo is a boy's name, and I'm no boy."

"I like Theo. It suits you." He looked me over with his eyes. I felt suddenly self-conscious. That's strange though, I rarely ever felt self-conscious. "It's cute."

"Don't be ridiculous."

"Well, I ain't calling you Theodora every time. I've gotta have some sorta nickname." He crossed his arms, sitting back. The waitress came up to us. "I'll have an omelet," he ordered.

"A stack of blueberry pancakes and chocolate milk," I said.

"Oh, and a glass of orange juice," Sebastian added. Once she was gone, our conversation resumed. "So what do you want me to call you?"

"I don't care, just not Theo. It's a huge turn-off." I slumped against the table. My head hurt too much to think about it. 

"Then I'll call you...." He looked me over again, thinking of some other pet name he might be able to us. "Vette."

"Vette?" I was taken aback. "Why Vette?"

"We fell asleep in a Corvette. But you seem like a Corvette kinda cat. What do you think? Vette? Yay or nay?"

"Vette." I repeated the nickname. It was kind of cool, actually. A little bit more spunky than 'baby' or 'love.' It was special, which made Sebastian a little special. "Alright. But now I've gotta have one for you."

"Well, don't call me Sebby. That's a baby's name." He wrinkled his nose. 

"Sebby?" I wrinkled my nose as well. "That's horrible. I'll call you Glitz."


"You've got so much jewelry on you sparkle when you walk. It's adorable."

"Glitz it is. Glitz and Vette. Now can you imagine that. Glitz and Vette walk into a bar," He began the joke.

"That would be one hell of a night," I laughed. 

"It would. It really would."

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