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Sebastian's POV:

Ever since the night I'd caught Theodora cheating, she seemed dedicated to finding out how I worked. Every day, she'd try a new trick to get me aroused. It had only been a week, but the consistency was impeccable. The first day, she tried dancing. I watched as she wiggled her hips, gliding her arms in water-like patterns for me. It was fun to watch, I'll give her that. It did not, however, have the reaction that she was hoping for. 

Theodora did not readily accept defeat. The following day, she was wearing lingerie. A lacy red corset with matching hosiery. Within ten seconds of seeing her, I was turning her around. She got excited that I was leading her back to her room, but it was only because I didn't want anyone else to see her like that. Hey, she was my girl. She hadn't given up even then. Short skirts, different makeup, dirty talk, candlelight dinner, and singing. She tried a variety of different tricks. As punishment for her cheating, I was sure to let none of them get to me. This pissed her off, but today she was trying harder. 

Theodora came out of our room with a paper in her hand. I sat at the kitchen table with a coffee in my hand, awaiting today's great proposal. She cleared her throat. "I wrote you a poem," She explained. "Do you want me to read it?" I made a gesture telling her to go on. She eagerly did so. "Following after me everywhere I go. I feel that I should tell you no. I wish that there was a better way. Some solution to get you to stay. Hope you know that from the start, you were destined to steal my heart." It was short, it was bad, it was sappy. I loved it. 

"C'mere." I held my hand out to her, cupping her cheek. "You ain't a poet, sweetheart. I love the effort though." I kissed her, and she sat on my lap. I figured I had no problem making out with her, just as long as nothing escalated too far. Her tongue wiggled around my mouth, hips moving in the same motions. I held her still to keep myself under control. It was getting difficult, very difficult.

"Does poetry turn you on?" She whispered, tugging on my hair lightly. "Do you want me to write you dirty poems?"

I kissed her quickly once more. "You write me all the dirty poems you want. Don't expect sex every time you put words to paper." She slumped over, upset at my response. "What? You'll get better. The really good ones could make for quite the night."

"Don't bullshit me. I know you'll never have sex with me." Her hair was falling into her face. I almost felt bad for her, until I remembered it was her fault that she was in this position in the first place.

"You should've thought of that before you went out and had sex backstage. You might've had me if you'd only been patient."

"Patience sucks!" She shouted. I'd struck a nerve, but I felt like it ran deeper than just sex. "You know how many fucking nights I sat on the edge of my bed, wishing, praying that Mom would come back? How many nights I wished for a sister? How many nights I wished that a girl would be friends with me? I spent my life surrounded by people who were bad influences on me, yet I was told that if I wasn't good, everyone would hate me." I guessed that my suspicion was right. Theodora got off of my lap, storming away from me.

"Bad move, dude," I heard Rachel tell me. "Now she's gonna be mad at you all day. She'll probably sneak out and go find someone else to have sex with again." I hated that he was right. 

"No, she won't."

"Are you gonna give her what she wants?"

"I can't."

"Why can't you? Did something happen? Why are you so reluctant to have sex with her anyways?"

"She's a groupie. If I sleep with her quickly, I'm just another cheap word on her page. I wanna be sure that she likes me before I do anything stupid."

"You're such a girl." The dark-haired bassist rolled his eyes. "If you want a relationship like that, then why did you pick her? That was a bad move."

"I didn't pick her. She chose me." I remembered the night that we'd met. "I just didn't tell her no."

"You're just a shallow as she is. You thought that she's beautiful, too." Rachel shook his head, the chain on his nose wiggling back and forth. "And I know that sappy poem almost broke you."

I hated that he was right. Instead of carrying on with that conversation, I went to find Theodora. I knocked on the door to our room softly. "Can I come in?" I asked her.

"Just go away," She whined. "I know you're just trying to have a serious relationship."

I sighed. "I wanna talk about that. Please just let me in."

The door opened, showing Theodora with wet eyes. "What's there to talk about? You're romantic, I'm not. There's nothing more to say."

"If you aren't ready for a serious relationship," I started, biting my lip, "I can make do with one that's more fun." Her eyes went wide. "So maybe we'll go out to parties and fuck in the closets. Maybe we'll hang out side stage at The Roxy. Maybe I'll take you to The Cathouse every other week." 

"Where's this coming from?"

"I don't want to lose you," I confessed. "I think you're special, but if I have to loosen up a bit to have you, then I can change too."

"I don't wanna change you."

"You're not. People can change because of good influences, too. And maybe I'm just a bit too uptight." I couldn't stop it. It was like my tongue was moving on its own. If she talked to me too much longer, I might give up my bank account number. I might end up getting down and dirty with her right now! "And hey, I did manage to get you into a relationship, didn't I? I grounded you. I think that you've compromised plenty for me."

Theodora laughed lightly. "If you really think so." She held her hand out. "C'mon, there's something that I wanna show you."

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