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Sebastian's POV:

"So, Vette," I said, trying on her new nickname. We were done at the restaurant now, walking nowhere in particular, "where are you from?"

"I was born in Denver. I lived there until I was seven and my mom died. Then my dad took my brothers and I to Chicago. He said that it was for work, but I don't really think that was true now. He was totally doing it to be with his drug dealer friends and his new girlfriend. I don't remember her very much. I lived there until I was sixteen, and then I ran away. I came here, and I never looked back." 

"How many brothers do you have?"

"Two. One's older. His name is Greg. I have a younger brother named Alex, too."

"And what're they like?"

"Greg's into skateboarding and shit. He loves BMX. That was his dream, to make the cover of one of those magazines. He showed me all kinds of tricks. I hung out around the skate park a lot because of him. It honestly hurt me. They drank and smoke all kinds of shit. I suppose I should be grateful, it made me who I am how." She paused. "And then Alex was just too horny for his own good. He was the youngest, but he learned everything watching me and Greg bring people over. He was a looker though, strong jawline and cute nose. All the girls were all over him. He'd bring an different one back every week! His room always smelled like jizz, if you know what I mean." She wrinkled her nose a little.

"Wow, your family sounds pretty cool. Not in a great way though," I laughed. "But that explains a lot."

"Why? You think I'm rough around the edges?"

"A little bit. But it's alright." I waved my hand dismissively. 

"What about you, Glitz? Where are you from?"

"I was born in the Bahamas, but I kinda grew up in Ontario." 

"Where in Ontario?" 

"Peterborough. My dad's a painter. He's real good, too. I hope one day he can do album art for us. That'd be fucking sick. My mom likes to sing. Ha, she's the reason why I joined the church choir."

"You sang in a church?" She almost laughed. "I can't see it."

"That's alright, not many people believe it. Hell, when I told Snake, he thought I was fuckin' crazy! He still doesn't believe it now!" I was starting to laugh now, too. 

"How many siblings do you have?" She asked.

"Seven," I rubbed the back of my neck. 

"Wow. It must've been crazy with a family like that."

"A little, but I want one for myself. I'd love to have a bunch of kids running around all over my house." I smiled at her. Whenever I told anyone that, it scared them off. I hoped that she'd be different.

"I'll bet you would. That's alright." She smiled back at me. Oh, that's how I knew it. I knew I'd have to have her. I could fix her. I could make her not slutty. I could keep her all to myself. I could feel a stirring in me, a newfound desire. I'd not felt like this for a long time. 

"Are you busy tonight?" I asked her. "Or do you have a hot date with Stephen Pearcy after last night?"

"Ha." She kicked her foot out in front of her. "No, I think I'm gonna take it easy tonight."

"Will you let me take you out for dinner?"

"You want two meals outta me today?"

"Dinner's more formal that brunch. What do ya say? Dinner with me?"

"Alright, Glitz. I'll have dinner with you. Just let me get dressed a little nicer for it. You can take me out then. Where do you want me to meet you?"

"Oh, I'll pick you up. Where do you live?"

She swallowed hard. "I, I, uh," Her stuttering worried me, "just meet me behind the Roxy."

"Sounds good to me." At least I knew where that is. I just wondered why she was acting so oddly about it. 


I did as she asked, meeting her behind the Roxy. By 'dressed a little nicer,' she'd meant that she was going to wear a dress that hit her knees. It was red and strappy, but still pretty slutty if you asked me. Maybe I'd leave her clothes alone when I fix her. "Are you ready?" I asked her.

"Yup. Let's go." We started to walk side by side down the sidewalks of the Sunset Strip, mostly getting looks from various other teenagers and rockers who were out here either trying to make it or looking for a good time. 

"Why do you like it here?"

"You don't?"

"Philly's no place for a band to get their start. No way in hell we'd get signed out there."

"Philly? I thought you said you were from Canada?" She cocked her head.

"Oh, the band kinda got together in Philadelphia. We moved out here to get noticed by the scene."

"I see. But to answer your question, the reason why I love it here us because it's perfect. There's nothing wrong with this whole city. You can do whatever the hell you want, and you can be whoever the hell you want. It's a daydream in reality."

"Who do you want to be?"

"The person I am now."

"Have you changed a lot?"

"You wouldn't believe who I used to be," she was chuckling. That's good news, she can change. It works with my plan flawlessly. But then she likes who she is now. That's not so great. But hey, I can work with the starting bud.

Rattlesnake Shake (Sebastian Bach)Where stories live. Discover now