Bad Dreams

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Hope's POV
I said, " That's my ride, I have to go."

He held my arm, and said, " Hope, don't leave me here."

I started being lifted up by the vortex, and said, " I promise to find a way to bring you back, Ryan."

He said, " I love you."

Then he let go, and I was swept up in the vortex.

I woke up, and ran a hand through my hair. That was seven years ago. I seen my friends, and Landon were happy without their memories, so I left to New Orleans. I returned the memories of everyone here in New Orleans, and no one else. I refused to let the Salvatore School remember me. They are better off without me.

Ryan and I were stuck in Malivore for a year, and we gotten to know each other. Yes, he drove me insane, but I ended up being in love with him, when I left Malivore. I had feelings for him deep down, but I didn't want to admit it, cause I loved Landon Kirby.

I sighed, and looked at the picture on the bedside table. It's of me, my dad, and my mom, Caroline on their wedding day. Caroline's my step mom, but raises me since I was a year old. My real mom had died by revengeful people after my uncle, Elijah. A few tears dropped as I remembered the day my dad died. It was 8 years ago, when I was 15, he died because he was protecting me. I promised him I would find a way to bring him back, but I can't find anyway to bring him back, nor Ryan.

Ryan and I first met, when I was 18, and now I'm 24, turning 25 in two months. I was still dating Landon, and I ended up helping Ryan do research on Triad, and I saved Ryan's life more times than I saved Landons.

I sighed, and laid down. I closed my eyes, and soon fell asleep.

Kol said, " What are you doing, darling?"

I said, " I'm to finish what I started with Malivore. Where's my axe?"

Elijah said, " Hope, you are not going against him. In order to defeat him, you have to activate your vampire side."

I said, " Uncle Elijah, Kol, if I have to become a full Tribrid then so be it. I'm going to kill him for what he did to the love of my life."

Elijah said, " Love of your life? Who is this boy?"

I said, " None of your business. I tried to bring him back, and I can't. It's better if I defeat what killed him."

Kol said, " You are not going anywhere."

I lifted my hand, and twisted it. Both of their necks snapped.

I grabbed my bag, and walked out of there. I walked outside of the house, and got in my car. I drove to an abandoned house, and laid down the bag. I then grabbed the knife, and slit my throat.

When I woke a few hours later, I became thirsty. I walked outside of the house, and got in my car, and drove to a bar. I went inside, and seen a bunch of humans. I smirked, and cut one mans wrist, and drank his blood.

I soon felt my double fangs come out, and I fed on the whole bar, and killed them.

Then someone said, " Hope. Why did you activate your vampire side?"

I seen Dad.

The someone else said, " Honey, we are here with you."

Dad said, " Sweetheart, don't do this. Don't give up your life to defeat him."

Mom said, " Wake up, Hope."

I said, " Dad? Ryan? You're dead. What's going on? Mom!"

Mom said, " Wake up!"

I woke up, and gasped for air. I then seen mom, and she hugged me. She said, " Hey, are you okay? You kept yelling for me."

I said, " I had a bad dream, about Dad, and Ryan. Same dreams, I've been having. Me going to defeat Malivore, arguing with Elijah, and Kol. Ryan, and dad telling me not to die. Except this time you were in my dreams, telling me to wake up."

She said, " I must've been somehow inside your mind, when I was trying to wake you up."

I nodded, and we talked some more. I then got out of bed, and got ready for the day. I helped Aunt Freya with some things in the cemetery for the day.

Once it was nighttime, I went back to the house, had dinner, and ended up falling asleep, after I got my shower.

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