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Hope's POV
It's been a month, and I still can't find a way to bring Ryan back. I miss him soo much. My Aunts, and Uncles have been keeping me company, mostly afraid of what I would do. Anyway, I woke up, and put on my jeans, my light purple top, and my black jacket, with my black boots.

I walked out of my room, and went to my studio. I looked at the paintings of Ryan, and sat down. I grabbed a paintbrush, and started painting again.

   An hour later, I was halfway through the painting of a wolf.

I heard the studio door open, and there's mom. She walked inside, and looked around. She seen the wolf painting, I'm in the middle of. She said, " It's beautiful, Hope."

I smiled, and said, " Thanks."

She said, " So, how are you feeling?"

I said, " I'm fine, Mom."

She said, " Hope."

I said, " Fine. I love Ryan, so much, that I don't know if i can live without him. Without him, I feel like I can't breathe, and concentrate."

She said, " Hope, don't think like that. We will find a way to get him out of Malivore."

I said, " It's been almost a decade, and we can't find a way. There's no way to find out if there is a way. We've been looking ever since, I came back. I know what I need to do."

She said, " No. You are not doing that."

I said, " Why not? It's the only way to defeat him. Ryan would want me to do this."

She said, " I don't think he would. He would want you to be happy."

I said, " I can't be happy without him!"

Mom said, " Hope, sweetie, calm down."

I said, " Why? The man I love is gone forever, and there's nothing I can do except kill Malivore."

She said, " How about i contact Alaric, and Jo? Maybe they will know of a spell."

I said, " No, I don't want them to know I'm back. I didn't give their memories back, cause they were happy without me. I only needed the people of New Orleans to know who I am."

She said, " Sweetie, you can't just ignore them. You do realize the Salvatore school witches could help."

I said, " What aren't you telling me, Mom? You never bothered to bring this up before."

She said, " You are just like your father. Always sniffing out when people are keeping something from someone."

I said, " What are you keeping from me?"

She said, " The school has been under attack by Malivore. I told Alaric, and Jo that the twins and them could come here. All the other students are at the Lockwood mansion."

I said, " Why would they have to come here?"

She said, " Hope, don't overreact. Malivore is in Landon's body, and jo made a special potion that knocks him out for a couple days. They are bringing Landon here, so we can figure out how to help him."

I said, " So, you are bringing Malivore to MY CITY?! Mom, I am not having the people of New Orleans under attack by Malivore. Tell them to bring him to the Mikaelson Mansion in Mystic Falls."

She said, " Why there? Do you have a plan?"

I said, " Yes, I do have a plan."

She said, " Tell me Hope. I know I'm only your mother by marriage, but I helped your father raise you. Tell me your plan."

  I looked at Mom, and she said, " Tell me."

  I sighed, and said, " I can't tell you, Mom. I promise you by the time I'm done, Malivore will be gone for good."

  I then used my magic, and Mom passed out. I grabbed Moms phone, out of her hand, and walked outside of my studio. I went downstairs, and seen my Aunts and Uncles in the courtyard.

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