Meet Me

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Hope's POV
I grabbed Moms phone, and walked out of my studio. I'm went downstairs, and seen my aunts, and uncles in the courtyard. Aunt Rebekah said, " Where's your mom?"

  I said, " Upstiars."

  I headed towards the door, when Uncle Kol sped in front of me. He said, " Where do you think you're going?"

  I said, " I'm going to see the wolves. Mom said it was alright for me to go out."

  Uncle Marcel said, " I don't think so."

  I said, " I'm not 7, anymore!"

  Freya said, " We just want to protect you."

  Davina said, " Hope, are you really going to the bayou?"

  I said, " Yes, I am."

Kol said, " Then I'm coming with."

I said, " No."

Kol said, " Why not?"

I said, " Mom, wants me to go out on my own, instead of being in this house all the time. I have some meetings to take care of with the wolves, anyway."

  Marcel said, " If your mom trusts you, then so do we."

Kol said, " What?"

Marcel said, " Let her go, Kol."

Uncle Kol sighed, and said, " Fine. Go ahead."

I smiled, and left the house. I got in my car, and drove out of the city. I drove to the woods, and parked my car. I got out, and leaned against it.

  I grabbed moms phone, and called Alaric. He answered after a few rings, and said, " Caroline. What do I owe the pleasure?"

I said, " This isn't Caroline."

He said, " Who is this?"

I said, " No one of importance. Caroline wanted me to tell you about Malivore."

He said, " I would like to know who I'm speaking to."

I said, " Either you want to hear about how to kill Malivore or not."

He didn't answer. I said, " I take your silence as an answer. You need to go to the Mikaelson Mansion, and I'll meet you there. Got it?"

  He said, " How do I know I can trust you?"

I said, " I know about your daughters, and their coven. The Gemini's, and how your wife and you are looking for answers around the merge."

  He said, " I'm listening."

  I said, " I'll tell you, if you agree to meet me at the Mikaelson mansion."

  He said, " I agree. Now, tell me."

  I said, " The merge is a way to make sure the Gemini coven always has a leader. I know of a spell that can undo the link between the twins, and the coven, so they don't have to merge."

  He said, " Ive never heard of such a spell."

  I said, " I'm not a regular witch. I'll perform the spell, when I arrived at the mansion, and you are there. Bye."

  He said, " Bye Anonymous person."

  I hung up, and sighed. I got in my car, and drove to the tarmac. The jet is ready.

  I arrived at the tarmac, and got out of my car. I got on the jet, and it soon lifted off. I ended up falling asleep for a little while.

I felt someone touch my shoulder, and I open my eyes. I seen Ryan, standing beside my bed. I said, " Ryan."

   I then sat up, and kissed his lips.

  He soon pulled away, and I said, " I missed you."

  He said, " Hope, don't do this. If you do, I won't ever love you again."

  I woke up screaming, and soon caught my breath. I said, " Im sorry, my love. I have to do this."

I then grabbed my knife, and slit my throat. I bled to death in a few minutes, and then everything went black.

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