New Orleans

747 27 4

Caroline's POV
Nik, and I got back to the house. We were talking with Alaric for a bit, and talked with Elena, and Damon for a few hours.

We got out of the car, and Nik said, " Hope's car is here. She must've gotten back."

I seen Hope's car parked in the driveway, and said, "Huh. I wonder when they got back."

He walked over to me, and put his arms around my waist. I wrapped my arms around his neck, and he said, " How about you, and I go to our spot in the woods? Reminisce like old times."

He smirked, and I said, " Nik, as much as I would love to. We can't. We have to leave in thirty minutes."

He sighed, and said, " Fine."

I said, " Oh, also we are having a party tomorrow night to celebrate your return."

He said, " Why? I want to have a few days alone with my wife, and my daughter."

I said, " Rebekah already sent for the invitations to be sent out tomorrow morning."

He went to speak, but we heard a scream from inside. We sped inside, and upstairs to where the scream was coming from, which was Hope's room.

Hope's POV
I woke up, and heard the bathroom door open. Ryan and I had fallen asleep, like an hour ago, it seems he had gotten up.

I sat up, and pulled the sheet up to cover me. I seen him walk out of the bathroom, in a robe. I said, " You look handsome."

He said, " Really?"

He walked towards me, and then suddenly he collapsed on the ground. I got out of bed, and pulled the sheet to wrap around me. I said, " Ryan!"

I sped over to him, and I put his head on my lap. I felt his pulse, and he had one. I kept yelling and screaming his name.

Then the bedroom door opened, and revealed my Aunts, Uncles, Mom, and Dad.

Dad seen me, and Ryan, then growled. Mom stepped in front of Dad, and said, " Outside, now!"

Dad said, " Why?"

Mom said, " Go. Kol, Marcel you too. Out!"

Dad, and my Uncles sped outside of my room. I sighed, and looked at Mom, and said, " Thank you!"

Mom said, " No problem. They don't need to see you like this."

Davina said, " What happened?"

I said, " I don't know, he came out of the bathroom, and then collapsed."

Rebekah said, " Maybe a witch did something."

Davina said, " What I would give to have my magic back?!"

I said, " I can see if something happened. I just need to get something on, and him on the bed."

Rebekah said, " Go change, and we can put him on the bed. Tell us what else you need."

I said, " I need eye of Newt, a bowl, and witches wort."

Davina said, " All of that would be in the garden, and the kitchen. Be right back."

Davina sped out of the room, and I stood up. Mom lifted Ryan and set him in the bed. I grabbed Ryan's shirt off the floor, and sped to the closet. I put on shorts, and Ryan's shirt.

I sped into the room, and seen Davina mixing the herbs in the bowl. Rebekah said, " Caroline went to make sure the guys are out of the house."

I nodded, and said, " Is it done mixed up?"

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