Mikaelson Party

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Hope's POV
I woke up, and got out of bed. I went to the closet and put on my blue skirt, with my black top, and my black boots. I sped downstairs to the kitchen, and grabbed a blood bag out of the fridge.

Then I heard laughing, and seen Mom walk into the kitchen, and Dad following behind her. He soon said, " Caught you."

He held Mom to him, and they laughed. It's nice seeing this again. Mom, and Dad in love, and happy.

I coughed and said, " Morning."

They both looked at me, and separated. Mom said, " Hope. I didn't realize you were home. I thought you left with your Aunts, and Uncles."

  I said, " Where did they go?"

Dad said, " The shops. Your mother insisted on having a welcome back party tonight."

  I said, " No one told me that we are having a party tonight."

  Mom said, " Yesterday, was hectic, and I didn't have time to tell you."

  I said, " It's fine, Mom. I'm going to the plantation house, there's a dress I've been dying to wear."

  I walked to the door of the kitchen, when mom said, " Sweetie."

  I turned around, and said, " Whats up?"

  Mom said, " Nothing. I'm sure you'll look beautiful in anything."

  I smiled, and said, " Love yous."

  I sped outside of the house, and got in my car. I drove to the mansion, dammit I told mom last night I would talk to Ryan. I haven't seen him this morning, maybe he went with my Aunts, and Uncles. But mom didn't say anything about him.

   Anyway, I soon arrived at the plantation house, and got out of my car. I sped inside, and heard a shower running.

  Who was in this house? None of my family members live here, anymore. There's no guest rooms for any guests to stay in.

  I sped upstairs to where the sound was coming from. It was coming from my room. Who the hell is in my room?!

   I went inside, and seen dress pants, and a dress shirt laying on the bed. I smelled a familiar scent, but couldn't place it.

   Then the bathroom door opened, and I flashed over to the person, and put them in a headlock.

  Then, I noticed the brown hair, and the smell, Ryan. I let him go and he grasped at his neck. He turned to me, and said, " Not the morning I was expecting."

  I said, " I'm sorry, I didn't know you were staying here."

  Ryan said, " Well, you didn't want to see me, so Caroline let me stay here."

  I said, " She didn't tell me, but I am meaning to talk to you."

  He said, " Let me get dressed, and then we can talk."

  I nodded, and realized he was shirtless, and only wore a towel around his waist. I bit my lip, and turned away, and he grabbed his clothes and went into the bathroom.

   I sighed, and looked around the room. I haven't been here in years.

Five minutes later, Ryan walked out of the bathroom, dressed. He said, " So, what did you want to talk about?"

I said, " I'm sorry for yelling, and getting mad at you. I talked to my mom, and it's just natural instincts, cause of my dad."

He said, " I'm sorry, too. I didn't mean for it to come out like that."

I said, " No, what you said was true. I am paranoid, and selfish. I decided to activate my vampire side, and become THE TRIBRID to defeat Malivore, cause I didn't want him to kill anyone I love, and care for. He took you away from me, and I couldn't do it anymore."

He said, " I'm here now. We can find another way together."

I said, " I know, but I should've told my family, but I didn't want them to stop me. I'm the loophole."

He said, " I know, sweetie. We will find a way together. Agree?"

I looked at him, and he smiled. I said, " Fine. If we don't then I have to do it my way. Got it?"

He said, " Okay, I won't let that happen."

I said, " I love you."

He said, " I love you. Now, why did you come here?"

I said, " I came for a dress for tonight's party."

He said, " Oh, the Mikaelson Party, I got an invite."

He walked over to the dresser, and grabbed the invitation off it. He came over to me, and handed it to me. I said, " Yep. That's my Aunts, and my moms touch on this."

I laughed, and he said, " So, what does this dress look like?"

I said, " You'll find out, at the party."

He said, " Fine."

I smiled, and said, " Now, I have to go get it, and I'm out of here. See you at the party."

He kissed my lips, and said, " See you at the party."

I sped to my Mom, and Dads room. I walked inside, and went to their closet. I grabbed a box off the top shelf, and opened it. Sure enough, the dress was still in here. I sped downstairs, and out the front door. I got in my car, and put the dress in the back. I then, drove to the compound.

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