Mikaelson Ball

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Hope's POV
I arrived at the compound, and got out of my car. I grabbed the box, and walked inside. I seen Mom, and my Aunts sitting in the courtyard. Mom seen the box, and said, " Is that the dress your dad gave me?"

I said, " For the ball, he held in Mystic Falls."

She smiled, and said, " You are going to look stunning in it, sweetie."

I smiled, and she got up, and hugged me. Rebekah said, " You practically ripped my head off for touching the bow."

Davina said, " She tried to snap my neck for wanting to see what's inside."

Mom said, " I'm protective over this particular dress. It's the first time, I realized I had feelings for your father."

She cupped my cheek, and I said, " I thought you didn't feel anything for him, till after he left Mystic Falls."

Mom said, " That's when I admitted my feelings for him. We spent one amazing night together in the woods, and he left."

I said, " TMI. Mom!"

Rebekah said, " I had to hear all about it, cause Davina had to ask her!"

Davina said, " What? I was curious what happened."

We laughed, and I said, " I'm bringing this upstairs in my room."

They nodded, and I sped upstairs to my room.

I put the dress on my bed, and sped back downstairs. I seen Dad walking out the front door.

I said, " Where's dad going?"

Mom said, " He's going to take Ryan shopping with your uncles. Since he has no clothes here."

I said, " I'm glad they are getting along."

Rebekah said, " Secretly, your uncles and dad likes Ryan."

I smiled, and sat down. We all talked some more.

Three hours later, I stood up, and said, " We should get ready for the party."

Mom said, " Yeah."

Then the front door opened, and my Uncles, Dad, and Ryan stumbled inside. Well, Ryan was stumbling, and Marcel, and Dad were helping him inside.

I said, " Great your all drunk."

Rebekah said, " Wouldn't be a family party, if the men weren't drunk."

  Ryan stood up, and said, " I'm not drunk. Sligft buzzzzz."

  He went to walk over to me, but stumbled. I went over, and caught him before he fell over. He leaned in my arms, and looked up at me.

  I said, " Let's get you upstairs, and Davina can make a remedy of hers."

  Davina said, " I'll go make one for him, and the others don't seem drunk, so they can get ready for the party. Kol bring Ryan's bags upstairs to Hope's room."

  Kol said, " Like hell  is he going to sleep in the same room as my niece."

  Rebekah said, " Kol, listen to your wife, or you'll have to deal with Me and Care."

  Kol said, " What are you two going to do?"

Mom said, " Kol, listen to Davina or you will be cleaning up the bloody mess in the kitchen."

Kol said, " What mess? What happened between you and my brother?"

Mom shrugged, and Kol sped upstairs. Rebekah said, " There's no mess in the kitchen is there?"

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