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Hope's POV
    I turned around, and seen Dad. I let go of Ryan, and ran over and hugged Dad. I can't Believe he's here.

  He said, " I'm here, sweetheart."

  I smiled, and let go. He put his hands on either side of my face and said, " My littlest wolf."

  Tears fell, and I said, " I can't believe you're here."

  Dad said, " Me either, love."

  He kissed my forehead, and wiped my tears with his thumb.

  Ryan said, " Sorry to interrupt, you didn't say you were Hope's father."

  I said, " Wait, you both already know each other?"

  Dad said, " Yes, we do know each other. The witch that brought us back for wanting revenge is now dead. We were alive for a year, but couldn't get out, not till yesterday. The witch had us in Europe."

  I said, " I'm glad you are both back."

  Ryan said, " How come you never told me?"

   Dad Said, " I thought my daughter showed you a picture of her whole family, but I didn't realize you didn't know who I was, till you kept asking me who I was. I didn't tell you, cause I wanted to make sure you're good enough for my littlest wolf."

I said, " I know you're over protective and all, but no need to protect me from Ryan. He's harmless."

Dad said, " He's not harmless. He's killed many people, and monsters."

I said, " Dad! So have you! Yet you changed when you met Mom."

He said, " That's different."

I said, " How is it different?!"

Dad didn't speak, and I said, " I thought so."

Ryan said, " I remember that one time."

I looked at Ryan, and said, " Clarke, Can we not speak of what happened?!"

  Ryan smirked, and I rolled my eyes. Then the front door opened, and I heard Mom say, " Hope!"

Dad put his finger up to his mouth, and shushed us. He sped away, and then Mom walked into the living room, with the rest of the family walking behind her.

  Mom came over, and hugged me. She said, " Omg. Are you okay? Hurt?"

I said, " I'm fine, Mom. I'm better, I still have my magic."

  She said, " I don't care about that! I care that you activated your vampire side!"

  I said, " Either way I was going to activate it. It's better if I'm in my twenties, so I still look young, since I live forever."

  Kol said, " Who's this?"

I seen Kol had his bat pointed at Ryan's chest, and I sped over, and grabbed the bat. I said, " Leave him alone!"

  Kol said, " Who is he?"

   I said, " Ryan Clarke, and he's off limits. You hurt him, and you will have to deal with me."

  Marcel said, " Is this the guy, who died?"

  Ryan said, " Yes, but I'm back."

  Rebekah said, " How?"

  Ryan said, " A revengeful witch wanted revenge on yous, so she brought me back, so she could kill me in front of yous, or have yous come and rescue me."

  Davina said, " A witch is not that powerful to bring someone back."

  Mom said, " Unless they have a coven, to assist."

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