Miss Me?

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Caroline's POV
   I woke up, and seen I was on the couch in the courtyard. I seen everyone sitting around me, but Hope. I said, " Where's Hope?"

   I sat up, and Davina said, " She told us that you allowed her to go to the bayou, but we found you upstairs with a broken neck. She's been gone for three hours."

I said, " None of you decided to stop her!"

Kol said, " We thought you both just had an argument."

I said, " So, now you don't eavesdrop on people's conversations?"

Marcel said, " I heard yous talking about the Ryan dude, and so we sort of zoned out. Usually when he is brought up it's tears, and girly things."

I rolled my eyes, and stood up. I said, " Where's my bloody phone?!"

I sped upstairs and looked in Hope's studio, but not there. One thing, she took it.

I sped back downstairs, and Rebekah said, " Whats the big deal about losing your phone?"

I said, " She wanted me to call Ric, and tell them to go to the mansion. Give me your phone, Beks."

She nodded, and handed me her phone. I pulled up the phone app, and scrolled to Alaric's number, she had it in case Something happened with Hope at the school. I hit call, and it rang.

Hope's POV
I woke up, and gasped for air. I felt at my neck, and no wound. I felt dry blood. I went to the bathroom in the back, and wiped the blood off of me, and changed my clothes.

When I was done, I walked to the middle of the jet, and a stewardess walked over to me. She said, " We land in ten minutes, Miss."

   I said, " Thank you. What's that on your wrist?"

  She showed me the bracelet on her wrist, and I grabbed a hold of her wrist, and bit into it, with my wolf teeth. 

I soon felt my fangs come out, as I drank her blood.

After a while, I let go, and she went to find a bandage, after I compelled her to forget about it.

Five more minutes later, the jet landed, and I got off. The car waiting, I got in, and drove to the mansion. Which I haven't been to in over a decade.

Thirty minutes later, I arrived at the mansion. I drove up the long driveway, and parked. I sighed, and got out of my car. I looked at the mansion, and said, " This is for you Dad."

I then walked inside the house, and didn't see anyone. They mustn't of arrived yet. I wandered upstairs, and to Dad's studio on the second floor.

I opened the door, and everything is covered in sheets. I pulled the sheet off the largest painting, and it's of Mom, and Dad on their wedding day. I smiled, and said, " I miss you, Dad. I hope you can forgive me for what I will do."

I heard people walk inside the house, and I wiped the tears that fell. I sped downstairs to the foyer, and seen Alaric, the twins, Jo, and an unconscious Landon floating, magic.

I said, " Dungeon is downstairs. Follow me."

They followed me downstairs, and I opened the cell, I used to transition in, sometimes, when we stayed here.

I said, " Here. He won't be able to escape this."

Jo said, " How do you know?"

I said, " It held Klaus Mikaelson, when he transitioned, cause a witch made him."

Alaric said, " How do you know about that?"

I said, " I'll tell you, soon."

Lizzie said, " I don't even know why my dad trusts you, but I certainly don't."

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