🤍 36. We eat when we're hungry🤍

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"Because everyone knows that Edward is hotter. That's why he can win in ever fight, because he looks good while doing it." I argued with the hybrid as I fixed me some breakfast.

"Jacob is this bloody alpha, he can beat anybody." Klaus says as he drinks his cup of blood. I walk over to the table and sit down next to him. "Edward being hot doesn't make him stronger."

"Jacob had a choice to be alpha, but he gave it to Sam. If you ask me he's weak because all he cares about is Bella, if you would ask him to choose between his own pack and Bella, he'll choose her each time." Klaus and I have been arguing about the twilight movies every since last night. I finally got him to watch it with me and he's been team Jacob every since.

"Edward is the same bloody way! He makes us Vampires looks weak. I mean who the bloody hell came up with the idea that Vampires can sparkle in the sun."

"We burn up in the sun...kinda the same thing." I pour me a cup of blood as I eat me some toast. "At least he's a vampire with an ability."

"....love he reads mines....who came up with this!"

"How could you like Jacob! He can't do shit compared to Edward. He can jump to high places, he can run fast, he can smell far away, I honestly don't even know why he's shirtless throughout every single movie... it's hot...but it makes me cold." I eat half my breakfast and Klaus playfully roll his eyes.

"Reason why I hate Edward." He clears his throat and sits up. "He sparkles, he's made of ice, I hate how they change people into vampires, he read minds, he talk as if he wants to kill every single thing that opens their mouth, he can't sleep with a human without thinking he's going to kill her....shall I go on?"

"Nik, you were the same way. You never wanted to have sex with me when I was human because you were scared you were going to hurt me. And so what, he's hot..."

"Maddison don't make me kill you." I chuckle at the hybrid as he pours his self some more blood. I slap his hand and glares at me. "Now what was that for?"

"We eat when we're hungry, not when we want to. And this is like your 12th cup already."

"Well, I'm hungry. I'm a vampire love, it comes with the job." He chuckles and I laugh at him. As we sit here enjoying each other company, my phone begins to ring. I ignore it because I don't want who ever it is to ruin this moment. "Aren't you going to answer that?"

"And ruin this perfect moment?" He smiles at me and my phone stops ringing....then it starts again. "Nope."

"Answer it love."

"Why would I want to?"

"Just answer the phone."

"I don't want to, Klaus let it go."

"I'm just telling you to answer it."

"And I'm just telling you, that I don't want to."

"Answer your bloody phone!" He shouts and I roll my eyes an groan.

I then answer it, without checking the caller ID. "WHAT!?"

"Did I interrupt anything?" It was Elijah and my attitude change.

"Oh, no just eating breakfast with Nik. What's up?"

"Can you meet me in the woods near the Salvatore house?" I raise an eyebrow and so did Nik.

"Can I ask why?"

"I'd rather you don't, just please meet me. It's important."

"Um, sure I'll be there in a second." I hang up the phone and look at Klaus. "What did the Salvatores do this time?"

Maddison Pierce {N.K. Mikaelson fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now