♥️ 65. What a fucked up life I have♥️

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The witch called Sophie is scrubbing a table inside the restaurant when the door shuts suddenly and she hears the whoosh of a vampire running unseen. It was me of course. She then walks cautiously, listening for further sounds. "Hello? Seriously, Marcel? Trying to scare me? I had nothing to do with the attack on your guys last night!"

Rebekah made some hanging pots start moving behind Sophie, as though a wind has passed through them, and she turns around. She walks toward them slowly, then grabs a knife, which she lifts in time for Rebekah to appear and grab her raised, knife-wielding arm. "Sophie Deveraux. My brother, Elijah, told me about you. Know who I am?"

"Yeah, I know." She mumbled then I appear of side of Bexs.

"Ou, what about me?"

"Oh, god...Your Maddison Pierce. Klaus baby momma." She says shockingly and I smirk at the bartender.

"Great, then you know we need to talk." I grab the woman and bring her to Rebekah's car.

"How come she knows you as Klaus's baby momma and only know as the original Vampire?" Rebekah asked quite jealous as we get in the car.

"Do you really wanna be known as Klaus's little sister?"

"Good point..." I laugh as she drives away.

~Time Skip~

"Okay I was cool with the being in the woods all the time back in Mystic Falls, but being in a damn cemetery is a whole different level Bekah." Bekah and I made it to this cemetery to talk to Sophie about finding  Elijah.

"Shush." Rebekah tells me as her and Sophie talk while walking among the burial vaults of the cemetery. "So, if I had to guess, knowing Klaus's history, Elijah has a dagger in his chest. It's a magical object, you're a witch. Do a locator spell, locate the dagger, locate Elijah."

"I can't use magic. It's punishable by death – Marcel's rules." The witch witch mumbles.

"I don't know who this Marcel guy is. But What do you think we're going to do to you if you don't give us what we want?" I snap at the witch and she scoff.

"Not much. I've been linked, so anything you do to me, you do to your surrogate Hayley."

"Who?" Rebekah ask and Sophie gives her a significant look. I also nudge her arm. "Oh, right the surrogate mumzy. Well, luckily for you, Elijah seems to care about her, otherwise I'd break your neck right here. How did Marcel get so bloody powerful, anyway? He wasn't like this when I left a hundred years ago."

"Marcel has a way to tell whenever there's magic done in the Quarter. The 'how' isn't relevant." Sophie answers while I look around the cemetery. Does anyone not find this creepy.

"I'll tell you what's not bloody relevant – a coven of witches who can't do magic. Here's an idea: move away." I chuckle at my blonde Bestie.

"We practice ancestral magic. This cemetery is filled with the remains of our witch ancestors. Without access to them, we're powerless. If we run, we're leaving our legacy behind – our home, our family."

"Well, family's overrated. Look at me. I'm back in a city that's given me nothing but heartache, looking for a brother who's hell-bent on protecting a baby I care about. If it wasn't Maddison's baby I wouldn't be giving a damn." I smile at Rebekah's words. "Look, right now I'm here for Elijah. The instant I find him, I'm gone. He was the one who believes this baby would be Niklaus' redemption. And now he's missing, probably at the hands of Klaus himself. And you were foolish enough to believe that Elijah could convince Klaus to go against Marcel, when everyone knows that they have a history."

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