♥️ 77. That's something that I can never forget♥️

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"EXCUSE ME WHAT!?" I shouted in the phone as we walked through the woods. Klaus, Elijah and I stopped at home to shower, then we headed to the bayou to track down Hayley.

{Outfit Above}

"Look, she tried to kill her self Maddison, she started aging once Silas took the cure out of her. Her...her daughter found her Mads." Stefan says on the other end of the phone.

I stopped in my tracks after hearing what I just heard. My sister daughter is alive and I'm finding out about this now!! "Wait a min, my niece is a alive?"

"Yea, Matt sorta had a threesome with her and Rebekah."

I nearly fell to the ground and Nik catches me. Did he...with my best friend and niec....what the hell is happening. "Okay look, after everything that happened with me and my sister, I don't owe her anything Stef."

"Look, She needs you. Damon and I fight like that all the time, we try to kill each other all the time, but we always come back together. All you need to do is talk..."

"NO, STEFAN!! She put my child's life in danger, not even knowing what would happen!! She tried to rip out my heart and she's been jealous of me since I was born!! Tell me Stefan, how exactly am I suppose to forgive that?" I cross my arms as I walked in front of the guys. I just couldn't believe Stefan was trying to get me to talk to that backstabbing bitch.

"Look, I know that you have your own life now, but if you still love your sister, or even still care about her, help her through this."

"She tried to kill her self and she called you to save her life. That goes to show you exactly how she feel about me."

"Just please, she helped me and now I wanna do the same." He hesitates for a while but then he says. "I slept with her so, I feel as if I owe her."

My mouth drops open and I just stand there. What the hell is happening in the Falls. "Okay this is to much information, I'll just think about it." I hang up the phone and groan in frustration. "I leave the town and they just continue to pull me back."

"It's alright love, I'm sure your sister will die soon enough, then you'll be free of her." Nik says as he smirks and grabs my waist.

I smack his hands and glare at him. "That is my sister you're talking about ass hole.....but Stefan is right about one thing....I still love my sister."

"Worry about your sister later, right now we need to find Hayley. We should head south towards the water." Elijah says as we walk from his car.

"You seem quite determined to find the little wolf." Klaus says from behind his brother, as Elijah takes the lead.

"If I'm moving too fast for you, Niklaus, you're welcome to wait in the car. Do be certain to leave the windows down." Elijah says and I laugh.

"He called you a dog." I laugh out and Nik glares at me. "I'll shut up."

"Ah, so I've touched a nerve? You've begun to admire this girl. Perhaps that's why you've been barking orders since your return, hoping to impress Hayley by assuming the role of family patriarch."

"Pfft, Elijah and Hayley would be cute together." I say as I link arms with Klaus. I actually think that they would, I've been feeling there connection every since he came back.

"If you're going to insist on treating her like a walking surrogate that means nothing to you, then that's your mistake." Elijah snaps at his brother and I roll my eyes.

Klaus then sniffs at the air and looks around. "What is scoobs? Have you found her scent?" I said in a shaggy voice and laugh. He then roll his eyes at me as he unlink our arms.

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