♥️ 91. Give me your word♥️

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Klaus, Rebekah and I returned home and I explained to them what happened to Katherine because I don't really think I could act sad for the rest of my life. Klaus was pissed but, he understood what we did and why we did it. I had just finished talking with Marcel about Davina as we walk down the stairs and into the courtyard with a bottle of bourbon in his hand and one in mines. Diego sees us enter the room and approaches us when Marcel and I walks over to sit down at a table.

"Hey, Marcel, Maddison, maybe you know what's going on. Klaus ordered us to meet here, and now he's a no-show." Diego informs us and I just shrug my shoulders. "I'm sorry to hear about your sister y the ways Mads."

"Thanks Diego, I'm sure she's somewhere enjoying the afterlife." I mumbled as I drink my bourbon from the bottle. "As for Klaus I have no idea, he left out just morning."

"What do you want from me? It's a new regime. Get used to it." Marcel says frustrated and obviously upset.

Klaus then enters the room with Thierry and makes an announcement. "Dearest brethren, your attention, please. No doubt, you're all surprised to see Thierry Vanchure, who's supposed to be rotting in the Garden for the crime of killing one of our own, and I personally decided to issue him with a pardon. I hope you'll all welcome home Thierry."

Thierry smiles and gives Diego a hug. "Welcome home, man."

I walk over to T and smile. "Well, well, well, if it isn't Thierry the betrayer."

"Maddison Pierce, nice to see you again." He smiles and hugs me and I return the favor. "It's been years since the last time I saw you. Congratulations on the kid."

"Thank you, although you're sorta the first person to tell me that." We release from the hug and smile at each other. Thierry and I were great friends a few years back, he helped me when ever Raven was killed in front of me. It was very hard for me to cope but helped me a lot, and I really appreciated that.

"Well, I mean it. I'm sorry to hear about your sister." He grabs my hand and smiles sympathetically at me, when out of no where Klaus vamp speeds over to us.

"You know mate, I may have freed you from that awful situation you were in.." Nik steps closer to the vampire as he show him his hybrid face. "But touch her like that again, and I'll make sure that situation becomes permanent."

T drops his hand and I roll my eyes and head back over to Marcel, as I drink from my bottle. Klaus walks over to us smiling. "You're in a good mood. You should visit Mystic Falls more often." Marcel tells the hybrid then he looks over towards me. "Did the death of your sister bring you two together?"

"Somewhat...but I'm still very much single." I drink from the bottle again but pout when I notice that it's empty. To make sure I'm not tripping I look inside the bottle with one eye then hold it upside down. "Damnit."

"We are still a working progress." Nik says as he looks at me and takes my bottle away. "And, as much as I might like to visit more often, I have pressing responsibilities here." He turns to address the crowd of vampires. "Now, as you all know, the witch Davina is no longer with us. Without Davina, we can no longer monitor the activity of our witch neighbors. However, since their Harvest failed, their magic will soon be gone forever. Until then, I say we keep them on their toes. Diego, I wonder if you might lead a rousting in the cauldron." Diego smiles and starts to plan with the other vampires. Marcel grabs his bottle and goes to storm away, but Klaus stops him in the doorway. "Marcel, I'd hoped you would join Diego."

"Nah. I'm gonna take a personal day." He pushes past Klaus and leaves. Klaus scowls, visibly annoyed at his attitude.

"He's grieving Nik, how would you feel if someone killed me and wouldn't stop bothering you as if nothing happened." I walk over to him and he playfully roll his eyes.

Maddison Pierce {N.K. Mikaelson fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now