(Chapter 1) Sweet Beginnings

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A.N: This is my first ever fanfic, so I would like some feedback from y'all! Have fun reading!!!

Shuichi's POV

Hello, I'm Shuichi Saihara, Ultimate Detective. I still don't get why I am though, I'm just an apprentice. I help my uncle work in his agency as a detective, as my mother and father are busy overseas as a screenwriter and an actor respectively.

I just can't stop thinking about her. Ever since we've locked eyes in that middle school hallway, I couldn't help but to let her stay in my mind rent free.

Kaede Akamatsu. Her gorgeous lavender eyes, her wavy blonde hair and her cute hairpins that look like music notes. I was too shy to talk to her all the way up till now. All the times we've chatted was initiated by Kaede, and they were all for projects or group discussion.

I miss her, even though it's been a month since I've seen her.

Her eyes were the only ones that wouldn't remind me of when I saw the murderer's eyes in that one murder case I solved... His hatred and anger as he looked at me felt like a bullet of emotion hitting my face, just because I exposed the truth. Turns out, the victim drove the murderer's family to suicide. I arrested someone who wanted revenge.. After that incident, I've always worn my cap. Every time someone would look into my eyes, I would always hide under my cap. I would never forget to bring it with me outside, as if it's glued onto my head.

I look out the window of my bedroom. My bedroom was probably fit for 3 beds. It's spacious enough to be a second living room, but I don't use up lots of space. All I have in here is my bed, a long book shelf and a desk. I guess it's good as it can store the long book shelf. I always saved up money to buy a mystery novel from the library, and now I have hundreds of them. That's about a minimum of 250-300 dollars spent on books, and they're all worth it. I usually read the first chapter before deciding to buy it, in case I don't like the plot or the writing or whatever. I love reading mystery novels and trying to predict the ending. It's refreshing for a apprentice, at least.

Enough rambling now. I look outside the window. It's a beautiful day outside, birds are singing, flowers are blooming.

...I should probably do something other than lay in bed.

I won't be meeting Kaito for our second training in about 3 hours at 5pm. Maybe a little walk could warm me up before I go there and be sore again. I'll go and take a walk, maybe I can rethink my life choices.


I'm wearing a plain white shirt and some basketball shorts. I don't play sports, I just got these because they felt comfortable. I put on my shoes before walking out the house. "I'm gonna go for a walk, uncle!" I told him. My uncle tells me to be safe and come home early or something, I wasn't paying attention, he says it all the time anyway.

I take a walk down the sidewalk of my neighbourhood. It is like a straight road with houses lined beside it. The houses are about two meters away from the sidewalk. It's been a day since new years. I still feel like a child even though I'm in high school for a year. Lucky people being able to turn 16 in January..

I thought about my class. The class I'm stuck with for the rest of high school. It's weird how Kaito, Kaede and I were able to go into the same class. Like a miracle or whatever.

I immediately start thinking about Kaede.

Wait, stop! You two barely interacted with each other last year, You need to stop thinking about her! I did my best to think about something else.

Kokichi Ouma. Oma? I keep forgetting his last name.. That ass was always up my nose for the entirety of last year. He's not that much of an ass compared to my bullies in my elementary days, but god will he not shut up. I still remember the time Kaede defended me when Kokichi went too far with my parents..

..god damnit, I'm thinking about Kaede again.

I did my best not to think about her, when I see a familiar blonde head. I walk closer for whatever reason, and before I knew who it is, we gaze into each others eyes.

o h g o d i t s k a e d e

She's wearing a purple striped shirt with a long skirt- ohmygodsendhelpimmediatelyshessocute!! I did my absolute damnedest to look away without blushing. I noticed Kaede also has a tiny blush as she slowly looked at the floor. I lowered my cap in embarrassment.

I feel disappointed looking away. Wait, why do I feel disappointed?

Kaede's POV

Hi! I'm Kaede Akamatsu, Ultimate Pianist! I've been in Hope's Peak for a year now, and it has been absolutely enjoyable!

I am walking home after buying groceries. Afternoons are always the best time to be out! It looks so romantic. If only I can be that romantic to Saihara..

It's kind of obvious that I like Shuichi Saihara, but I'm not sure if he reciprocates. We've never talked to each other that much anyways. Maybe he's just too shy? I still don't want to confess, I feel like it'll end up awkward for both us.

I couldn't stop thinking about Saihara, it feels like he's walking right up to me..

Oh wait, he is. Our eyes meet up with each other, and I feel my face flare up the tiniest bit.

h o l y c r a p h e s r i g h t t h e r e

His grey-gold eyes looking right at mine behind his charcoal gray hair. I felt so entranced, like I could drop everything and tackle him into a hug. But then I remembered his issues. I look away at the ground. I glance at him looking a little disappointed. Why does he look disappointed?

I go up closer to him, but not close enough to look suggestive, and break the awkward silence. "Saihara...! How's it going?" Thank god I didn't stutter!
"It's, uh...... I-It's going great! H-How about you?"
"I'm doing well, thanks for asking! I just went to buy some groceries."
"That's n-nice.. I'm just taking a walk."
I'm honestly used to him stuttering, I hope he doesn't feel embarrassed about it.
"Well," I check my phone. "I still have a few minutes to spare. You want to hang out for a while?" Please say yes, I have a present that I want to give you..
"U-Uhm...... Sure!" He responds. Hooray! I did my best to further hide his favourite novel in the bag I'm carrying. I'm surprised that he told me he wanted this, considering we're just acquaintances.


We had a walk around the neighbourhood, chatting about whatever we can think of. Once we went back to my house, I told him to wait a moment as I out down my bag. I slowly took out Murder on the Orient Express as his face gets brighter.
"Holy-! How did you get these? These were 50 yen in the library!" He questions, excitedly.
"Well, I saved up money," I giggle.
"Thank you! How'd you remember that this was my favourite?"
"Easy, I'm psychic."
Saihara looks surprised.
"I'm kidding! I just remembered that one time you told me about it. Plus, I want to care for my friends."
I see him blush a little as we share a small laugh. He's so cute!!
He gratefully takes my gift and goes home. Little does he know I hid my phone number in there, hehehe. I walk over to my door and entered.

After taking off my shoes, I immediately go upstairs to my room and onto my bed. I hold onto my pillow and squeal. I finally gave him my gift!! I meant it to give him on the last day of school last year but I wasn't able to reach him. I have always carried it around for the small, tiny chance that we would bump into each other. He's still as cute as he was before! I take another look outside as I carry on with my day.

A.N: Thanks for reading! I would love to read some feedback from you guys, I know I can improve on this!! Have a great day!
Also, I have an OC planned but I'm not sure if it'll be appreciated. If y'all wanna see it, let me know!

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