(Chapter 9) Something Unexpected

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Kaede's POV

He just upright caressed my cheek, I am freaking out. I did my absolute best not to look flustered as we head down to the art museum. It was at the end of the T-Junction at the top of the slope. It was about a 5 minute journey from the cafe. We enter the museum, and are greeted by a whole heck ton of paintings, all made by different brilliant artists.
"We're gonna be here for a long time," Saihara whispers over to me.
"It's fine. As long as I get to spend more time with you," I whisper back, leaning on his arm. He blushes a light red. No matter what, I will win this fight!


We have probably spent 3 hours looking at all the paintings, and sculptures, and whatever.
"Gosh! These paintings are really well made and pretty!" I tell Saihara.
"Well, they're not as pretty as you," Saihara flirts with me.
"God you're so cheesy!" I tease, blushing.
"But you know what else is more prettier than both you and the paintings?" He asks me. I look at him confused.
"Your confidence, your positivity, your kindness, your personality in general," he answers. I blush even more, and he smirks, also blushing. Does he really mean that? This has to be some sort of joke. Does he..?
"I... I can't help you with that one, I'm sorry," Momota tells me through the earpiece.
"Told you that you were useless!" Ouma teased.
"Shut up.." Momota replied, a little offended.

"You wanna go to the park?" Saihara asks.
"Anything for you," I flirt.
He blushes a little, before we went on our merry way.

Shuichi's POV

"I think you should confess to her," Rantaro tells me.
"Seriously?! But what if she rejects?? Then what will she think of me?" I worryingly whisper through my earpiece.
"Come on, man. You're so dense you could sink in mercury. Have you not seen what she's doing? She literally just flirted with you just now!" Rantaro complains.
"Okay, okay fine. What do I say?" I ask him.
"I mean.. I can't think of anything. You're the one who loves her, you can think of something!" Rantaro suggests.
"Wh-w-what if I stammer or mess up?" I ask.
"No way you will, Saihara. Trust me." I slowly nod my head as we finally reach the park.

We took a walk along the path in the park. It was calming. There was usually more people here as it was a Sunday. It was refreshing for an end of a week. I was mesmerized by the view, and... maybe also Kaede, that I didn't notice that we basically walked half the entire park.
"Wanna take a break? I'm starting to get a little winded," Kaede pants. We both sat down on the nearest bench.
We sat down for quite a while, before Kaede suddenly leaned on my shoulder. I blushed immediately. God, I will never get over that.

I think it's time.

"Akamatsu?" She looks at me, head still on my shoulder.
"I want to ask you something.."
"What is it?" She asks.
"Well," I hesitate for a moment..

A.N: haha another cliffhanger!! I'm way to mentally and physically tired for whatever reason so this one's gonna be short (and also because my friend told me to do it at chapter 10). I'll probably spend my entire weekend working on this fanfic considering I have a 4 day weekend.
Have a nice day!

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