(Chapter 5) Great Date

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Shuichi's POV

The lunch was great, other than my anxiety and Kokichi. The grilled cheese was not so bad! Absolutely worth making Kaito happy. Leaving the cafe, we headed for the park next.
"You know, we should go there by ourselves next time!" Kaede suggests for me. I glance over at Kaito giving Maki an triumphant smirk. I'm not gonna think much about it.

We all got onto Kaito's SUV. He drives a Gavril Roamer Facelift, for some reason. I don't think he's the soccer dad kind of person.
The park wasn't that far, we didn't just wanna walk when Kaito could drive. It was at most 10 minutes at the foot of the uphill section. I hope he doesn't force us to train right now, considering this is where Kaito and I usually train ourselves.


We arrive. Kaito takes 5 minutes to parallel park the car (and still managed to hit the car Infront once we parked) and we got out. We walked around without much purpose.

Absolutely nothing happened. We all sat down on the grass at the lake, absorbing the view like we're doing photosynthesis. It was calming. Kaede slowly leaned on my shoulder.


Kokichi noticed and snuck a photo of us two. He looked at it and chuckled to himself. I sigh, look back at Kaede, and put a strand of her hair behind her ear. She's so adorable, I really want to kiss her, but that would be really awkward. I look back at her, and she has a blush across her face. I wonder why, before I notice that my arm was over her shoulder. I couldn't help but to not move my arm away.
"Oh my god, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to!" I reassure her. I actually try to take my hand off, but she pulls it closer. I became a tomato immediately. Kaito and Maki murmured with each other, before they both stand up. Kokichi also stands up. He was sitting next to Kaito and Maki.

"We're gonna go and take another walk through the park for a bit, if you want, you can come, but you can stay here, alright?" Kaito tells us, giving a thumbs up. Maki rolls her eyes and tells him to go. Kokichi follows them as they walk off behind us. We didn't care. We stare at the view, and at each other. It didn't feel right. It didn't feel like it was real, like I was in a dream. Like I could do anything without consequence.

Except, I didn't do anything. Kaede and I just enjoy being there. We can hear each others' heartbeats. We just stared at the lake, on the grass..


I suddenly hear a camera snap. "Oops! Forgot to turn that off!" Kokichi muttered teasingly, before I turn around to see him running off. Kaede and I blush hard. "We... should get going," Kaede suggests.
Nodding my head, we stood up and went back to Kaito's SUV. We both were so flustered we couldn't even look at each other. I look around for Kaito. He's with Maki, who's dragging a sulking Kokichi. I could hear her murmuring something to Kokichi, but I couldn't hear a thing. Probably a threat or whatever.

We all get into the Roamer without a word. The car ride was a little awkward. We made some small talk here and there, but overall the car ride was silent, other than Kokichi laughing to himself, probably over what happened.

We head over to the local Dangan Arcade. It had two stories and stood out from other buildings with its spacey purple exterior.

Of course Kaito would love this place.

"An arcade? Last time you went, you lost all your tokens," Maki warns Kaito. He didn't care, he just wanted another round. We enter the arcade and could hear music coming from every arcade machine. The room is covered with a purple light. People are walking around or playing a game. We head over to the counter on our right. Being the anxious little boy that I am, I stand at the very back of the group. I could barely hear Kaito and Maki getting tokens for us. I look away for a second, and they finish getting the tokens.

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