(Chapter 3) Still Uncertain

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Kaede's POV

I swear Saihara would've called me by now, yet he's not picking up.. maybe he's very shy? He's had, like, two friends in school, and he's probably too anxious to talk to me, right? It's been 3 hours though.. Doesn't matter! The cutie probably has a good reason not to call me anyway!

Did I just call him cutie...?

It's fine, he deserves to be called that anyway! He's really cute..

I let my mind drift off to narnia before-


What's that coming fro-


I look at my phone.



I answer it.


I could hear some murmuring.

"Is this Kaede?"
"Yeah.. Momota?"
"Mhm, that's me. Shuichi wants to tell you something."
"W-wait, I d-don't want-"
I could hear Saihara stammering before Momota passes the phone.
"I- uhh.. h-h.. er.."
Don't tell anyone, but Saihara's stammering just as cute as him..

He hung up. I mean, considering his situation, he was probably very anxious anyway. I understand! I was like that in elementary school. I was too shy to even make friends, and I would always do things myself. Soon, my mother found out about it and forced me to socialize. For some reason, that actually helped my social skills a ton. Now, I'm one of the popular kids with Rantaro. But, I don't really care much about it. I hope Saihara will be more confident in himself one day.

Maybe I'll help him! I'll talk to him and make him more confident in himself when school starts next week! Alright, I'm gonna take a walk around the park.

I take off my skirt and put on some shorts before going outside. I tell my mother I was gonna be out for a bit.

I wonder what he's doing now..

Shuichi's POV


I just.... hung up on Kaede.... I hope she doesn't think it was for bad intentions.

I slowly look up at Kaito. He seems dissapointed. I look down, didn't want to see those eyes again.. although, for some strange reason I'm getting less and less uncomfortable with eye contact. That's so weird, no way someone could just get their trauma away that easily... right??
"Shuichi! You can't just hang up on your crush like that!" oh god not another one of these.
"Come on, call her again!"
"I don't think she'll answer this time."
"Stop putting yourself down! I know you've had this crush for two years, and now is the time you would be more closer to her! You promised it yourself at the end of school last year! Please, this one moment?"

I sigh for a moment. I hesitate for quite a while, looking at my phone.
"Hurry up now!" Kaito politely ordered me.
My hands were trembling as I was about to click the call button. I was hovering over the button before I heard a familiar "Hey!"


I turn around and I see Kaede, my face heating up. She was wearing the same shirt as before, but instead of a skirt, she's wearing brown shorts that's just above her knee. It doesn't matter what she's wearing, she's still beautiful anyways!! If only I can say that out loud to her..
Kaito shimmies closer to me. "There she is. Go talk to her!" He whispers. Loudly.

Kaede sits down on the grass with me.

Kaede's POV

I sit down on the grass with Saihara and Momota.

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