(Chapter 11) First Day

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Shuichi's POV

It's finally the first day of my second year at Hope's Peak. I honestly did not think I'd just up and get a girlfriend right before school started, but here we are, I guess.
I quickly got up and prepare to go to school.

..I actually just want to meet up with Kaede before we go.

I went downstairs so see my uncle already preparing to leave. I wave excitedly at him.
"You seem awfully happy today. What's going on?" He asks, smirking.
"I'm just.. e-eager to go to school!" I try to hide the fact that I have a girlfriend now.
"Oh come on, you were never excited for school. I still remember your father told me that even in kindergarten you still didn't want to go," he teased.
"Ugh, fine. Promise you won't tease me?" I ask.
"Pinky promise," my uncle puts up his pinky. We share a light chuckle.
"Alright.. I have a girlfriend," I answer his question.
My uncle looks at me shocked for a little while, before tackling me into a hug.
"My little nephew got himself a girlfriend!! Who is it? Is it Kaede?" He asks me.
"Yeah.. it's Kaede," I manage to mutter out. He ruffles my hair and puts me down.
"I knew you would get her! It was like a match made in heaven!" He ruffles my hair.
"Hahaha.. Thanks."
"Make sure you go to school early, okay? Don't want to end up late on your first day like last year," my uncle tells me before leaving.
I prepare myself butter on bread and eat it. Whoever invented butter on bread is an absolute legend.

I swiftly grab my bag and my hat and left right after finishing.
I guess I really can't wait to meet with Kaede.
We set up to meet at 7am at Kaede's house, since she's closer to the school. It's currently 7:01 and I just reached her house. She was waiting on the sidewalk, and when she saw me, she playfully pouted.
"You're a minute late!" she tells me.
"I'm sorry, I couldn't walk faster, I was tired," I laugh.


We reached the school at around 7:10. The main reason why my parents moved me to my uncle's house, is that it was closer to Hope's Peak.
One thing I'm thankful for in this school is the fact that the classroom's were located on the second floor. In my middle school, my classrooms were on the top floor, while the cafeteria was at the first, so going up after lunch absolutely wrecked my legs every time I went back up to class (this is definitely not a vent), and that was only on the 6th floor! Plus, we're not even allowed to use the elevator without permission! Imagine having to go up what was probably 30 levels on stairs to get to class! Now that I think of it.. why does Hope's Peak need 30+ floors anyway?

We walked up the stairs and walked over to our class. They were sort of placed in rows and year one classes were fitted to the furthest left. It's not that far, probably a minute to get there if you walk. We're usually the first people to arrive to class, since school starts at 8:30, but we still go to school before 7:30, since I wanted some alone time before school, and Kaede's parents want her to go early to prepare.
Kaede and I expected to be first out of our class of 20 students, but when we entered, we saw my good friend, Chris Lee, Ultimate Music Producer.
"What are you doing here?" I ask him.
"Well, wanted to think of some new song ideas without.. having to rush to school, yknow?" He answers my question.
"Hey, you and Kaede never walk to school together.. What's going on with you two?" He asks me.
"Well... don't tell anyone, but.. we're dating," I answer his question.
"I'm.. not convinced," he says, even though we literally walked to school together?? And he's genuinely unconvinced too, he has that look.
"Well, would this convince you?" Kaede asks. Wh-what is she gonna do-
Kaede immediately grabs my chin to turn my head towards her, and kisses me on the lips.

s h e j u s t d i d t h a t ? ?

She puts her hands around my shoulders. I slowly pulled my hands around her waist, looking like a blushing mess. We quickly break off the kiss, hoping nobody else saw us.
"I know you wanted to take it slow, but I couldn't help myself. I'm so sorry," Kaede blushes. I quickly reassure her and I tell her that all is fine.
We turn to look at Chris, whose mouth is slightly agape.
"Alright.. I'm convinced," he mutters.
We sat down next to him. He was at the bottom right corner, so I sat to his left, and Kaede sat infront of him.
"So.. got any new novel ideas?" I ask him. He occasionally comes up with writing prompts when he has free time. Which he practically has all of.
"Well, I haven't thought of much.. There's this ghost that wants to seek revenge but immediately falls in love, so he basically forgot all about his plans to try to revive himself so that he can meet with his crush, just to find out that she already has a boyfriend," Chris tells me.
"Damn, that's a sad ending," I speak up. He seems to be proud of it.

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