(Chapter 6) The Dinner

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Kaede's POV

We exit the arcade. It was really fun! I hold onto the Usami plush I gotten earlier. I look at Momota. What are we gonna do now? I took a quick look at Saihara before I felt myself being pushed. I yelp, before landing right on Shuichi. He lands head first into the pavement. Is he okay?? Oh god, please tell me he's okay. Our faces heat up together.

I didn't want to get up..

But I had to, he hit his head hard on concrete. I don't think he's okay..!
I move to the side and try to get Saihara to sit up. "Are you okay??" I ask him.
"I'm fine, just hit my head, is all," he tells me, rubbing his head. I look at it, and unknowingly caressed his hair. I just wanted to see if there's bleeding or anything! Don't think too much about it..

I check closer. There doesn't seem to be any bruises or anything. Saihara was blushing hard, and I could hear his breathing get shakier.

Why can I hear his breathing?

"Are you guys gonna kiss on the pavement? Get a room!" Ouma tells us. I immediately flare up, and move away. "I-I'm so sorry! I swear I didn't mean to do that! I just wanted to check if he's bleeding or anything, that's all!" I tell them. Saihara was still scratching his head a little. "I think I'll be fine, but thanks for checking, I guess.." he says.

"Kokichi! Why'd you push Kaede like that?" Momota asks him. "Hey! Don't put the blame on me! I didn't do it!" He replies.
"That's a lie, isn't it?" Momota asks.
"Yeah. I pushed her. But hey, they're adorable together! Why not do something interestiiing?" Ouma answers. God is he annoying.
We all enter the SUV. Momota's Roamer is spacious! I could lay down and would still have space in here. Of course I won't because I'm sitting with Saihara. Ouma's all the way at the very back of the SUV, doing Ouma things.

I can't believe I was that close to Saihara, and it'll probably never happen again..


"Alright, this is the last stop!" Momota tells us. We look at our destination. It seems to be a small, rustic restaurant. "I booked a table for 5." He says.
"5? Why 5? You didn't ask Ouma before booking, no?" I ask him.
"He pestered me before I booked," he answers. Seems fair.

We all exit the car and head to the entrance. Momota leads us to the restaurant receptionist (I forgot the name help) and starts speaking. "Is Kaito Momota on the list?"
"Yes, at 7pm right now. Table for 5, am I correct?" He says.
"Yup." Momota answers.
"Alright, right this way." We follow the man to an empty table with five chairs. "Right here, thank you." We all sit at the table. I sit next to Saihara, blushing, still remembering what happened throughout the date. Saihara holding my hand at the café, Me leaning on Saihara's shoulder and him putting his arm around me at the park, what Saihara said at the arcade, and how we could've kissed outside....

No.. I don't think he'll be fine with that.. Thank god I resisted the temptation, no matter how big it was, or else our friendship would've been ruined..

Shuichi's POV

She got really close to me.. I'm still not sure how to react..
My crush for Kaede couldn't be any bigger. We sat down at the restaurant table, and Kaede sat down right next to me. We took a look at the menu. The food looks good, but I don't have much of an appetite anymore.

"So, you gonna eat anything?" Kaede asks.
"No thanks, I'm actually not hungry now," I respond. She nods.


Everyone got their food, except for me, because I didn't order anything. For drinks, I gave myself a cup of sprite. I like sprite, okay?
I didn't have anything to do, since I didn't want to spend data, so I just watch them eat. Sometimes I would look at Kaede.
..Okay, maybe I had looked at her more than everyone.
...Alright, fine. I looked at Kaede much more than anyone else in the group.
....Alright, alright, alright! I spent all my time looking at Kaede! Don't make fun of me, please!

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