(Chapter 4) Group Date

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Shuichi's POV

I wake up. 2 more days before school starts.. was yesterday a dream? It certainly felt like one. I try to remember what happened in my dream. I sent a message to Kaede. I look at my phone. Still the same as yesterday. Along with what I texted her yesterday, I also sent her a goodnight message and she sent one back. Wonder what she thinks of me. Especially what happened yesterday. Guess it wasn't a dream?

Kaede's POV

Waking up, I immediately message Momota.

Luminary of the Stars 🌠🌌

Kaede: yesterday, did not happen

Luminary (didn't feel like typing his entire contact name out): I think yesterday happened


Luminary: alright alright jeez

I look at my convo with Saihara yesterday. I decide to send him a message.

Saihara!!! (Best boy ever)

Kaede: good morning!!

Saihara!!!: Good morning Akamatsu

Kaede: how was your sleep yesterday?

Saihara!!!: It was good! How about you?

Kaede: it was great!!

Before I could do anything else, Momota sends me a message.

LotS 🌠🌌

Luminary: heyheyehyyehy

Kaede: yeah??

Luminary: Maki Roll and I are gonna go on a date at a cafe you wanna come?

Kaede: yeah okay sure

Luminary: you wnana bring Shuichi?

Kaede: what?? howd you know???

Luminary: haha I did not lmao but ig you want him to come with so I'll go message him rq

Played me like a fiddle.

I look at myself in the mirror, waiting for a response from Momota. My hair is messy.. I fix it up. Yeah, that's better. I wonder how my hair curls so easil-


I quickly snatch at my phone from nobody.

LotS 🌠🌌

Luminary: alright he said he's coming as soon as I mentioned your name

Kaede: haha very funny

Luminary: I'm not joking, he was like "nah I'm not gonna go" and when I mentioned you he was like "okay im coming"

Kaede: wow.

Luminary: okay so uh going to Cafe Aroma at like 3pm wear something casual and meet us there

I look at the clock. 10am. I woke up late today. I could hang out with Saihara for a while. No, that seems to clingy.

I'm gonna play the Piano! I didn't get a chance to play yesterday because I was too busy thinking about Saihara.

I slowly walk downstairs. I sit down on my piano and think up of a song to play. Clair De Lune! It's my favourite song to listen to that calms me down tons! I start playing. The piano notes suddenly suck me in. I can only focus on the piano. Minutes feels like seconds. After I stopped playing, I felt much more refreshed!

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