(Chapter 12) End

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A/N: Hello. I'm sorry for leaving you all in the dark for an entire year. I have decided to cancel this entire project, but not without ending it with a little knot to the ribbon. When I started the original Chapter 12, I was stricken with demotivation and extreme writer's block, and eventually I gave up, and went about my life, leaving the Danganronpa fandom too. But I always felt a little bad that I just let my viewers down. So here's something for the ones who stayed. You may never see me again. Goodbye.

Shuichi's POV

It's been a few years since that first day. Kaede and I have stayed true as a couple throughout every single day. It's a little cliche now that I'm thinking about it. We are currently planning on going to Chris' new restaurant that his family managed to obtain, for a small get-together party before we graduate. Good on him! I heard he was not financially stable for a while. It's just going to be Kaede, Chris, and I, at the get-together. It's around evening when I head out and go to Kaede's house. My uncle wishes me luck on the date.. how lovely.
When I arrive at her door I knock softly before entering. When she answers I grin broadly.
"You're looking beautiful," I say while pulling her into my arms.
"I am , aren't I?" She giggles. "But you're much prettier."
We make our way into the room, a few minutes to spare before we head out. I need a few moments to process the fact that we are literally going to graduate in a matter of days. Everything feels surreal yet so right. I mean, we've been together almost half a year already. A lot has happened during that time.. like us meeting, getting together, falling in love. We still haven't told anyone yet because we don't want to risk making our relationship public. We'd rather keep it lowkey. A few moments of silence pass before Kaede speaks up. "Are you nervous?"
"What? No!" I lie without hesitation, even though she could tell something was wrong. "Of course not! This is all gonna be great! We'll be working with amazing teachers and our future will probably take off. You know what they say, success makes perfect!"
She giggles again, "I dunno... I can see it in your eyes.."
"You're too smart for your own good," I tell her, kissing her cheek.
She gets closer towards me and kisses me on the lips. I smile against her mouth and pull away. "So you're ready for this?" She says.
"More than I've ever been," I respond honestly.
We stand there looking at each other until someone knocks on the door. Kaede takes a deep breath and goes to open the door, and leads me outside, towards the restaurant. Once we get there we both greet Chris and then sit down.
"So," Kaede begins, "How did things go today?"
"Good, really good." Chris smiles. "The clientele were a little weird at first, but I think you'll both enjoy yourself!"
Kaede laughs and I smile along with her. The conversation flows freely and soon enough food arrives. When I take one bite my eyes widen. I didn't know Chris could cook like this. It tastes incredible and I swear I could die happy right here. But when I try to pick something else up and give it to Kaede, holding the fork right in front of her face, she shakes her head.
"That's alright, I'm fine with just this for now..."
"c'moooon..." I look at her with pleading eyes. "Please?! Just one more bite..!"
She chuckles sweetly, and takes the bite off my fork, making me blush slightly.  When she chews, her expression changes and her eyes sparkle in delight, and I can't help but feel proud of myself.
We continue talking, enjoying the meal. Soon enough, we pay the bill and we leave and walk back to the car, hand in hand.
"What do you wanna do now?" I ask.
"Hmm... maybe we should watch some movies tonight.. at my place?" She suggests.
"Oh... sure... that sounds good," I reply with a nod. Kaede smiles happily and pulls me to her, placing a kiss on my nose.
I smile and turn my head slightly to capture hers, placing another kiss on her cheek. She cheerfully takes me over to her house, where there's nobody home.  After changing into a pair of comfortable shorts and a t shirt, we curl up on the couch together, watching a rom com. Halfway through the movie I find myself staring absentmindedly at Kaede.  Her hair is soft and fluffy and I love running my hands through it; it always tickles. I lean forward slightly and rest my forehead against hers. Our breath mingles together in the silence.
How does this girl always manage to do this to me?
Afterwards she kisses me and I return the gesture. We break apart and she sits up, resting her hands against my cheeks. "Hey... do you believe in soulmates?" She asks quietly.
I think for a moment and respond after mulling it over, "Yes..."
Her face lights up and she hugs me close, burying her face in my neck. I wrap my arms around her waist and hold onto her tightly, squeezing lightly as I bury my face into her chest. 
I'm glad life has led me in this direction. I don't know where I would even be had it not been for Kaede. For once, I feel better than I had before. It's just something about her that completes me, and I'm happy I'm there for it.

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