(Chapter 2) Her Gift

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Shuichi's POV

I went home happier than when I left. It was probably the best 20 minutes I had in a while. I'm surprised that Kaede remembered my favourite novel! No wonder why I love her.. I
take off my shoes and walk up to my room. I just couldn't wait to start reading!

I open up the cover page, and start reading the book. I have, like, 2 and a half hours left to kill anyway. I was so consumed by the story that I've been longing for that I didn't even notice the little piece of paper slipping out of the book.

Wait, what a piece of paper slipping out of the book?

Did the book tear or something? I check the page, and nothing really happened to it.. I pick up the paper. It looks like it was carefully cut from a notebook, and there's nothing written... I flipped it over.

"To Shuichi: Here's my phone number!!
03262006" (haha I'm so smart)

w h a t ?

Is this legitimately Kaede's phone number??

No.. it can be a wrong number or something.

But there's no way she'll give me the wrong number, right?

I should probably ask Kaito about this. Besides, it's like 10 minutes before I have to meet Kaito. Murder on Orient Express really was captivating, huh?

I didn't really need a change of clothes anyway, so I just head out with the note. It was a convenient 10 minute walk to the park, where we'd usually work out.


The area had a picnic bench and a lake. Not much, maybe a few trees here or there. The park wasn't that big anyway, this lake was probably the biggest attraction in the park. Well, biggest in size and not popularity.

When I got there, Kaito was already sitting at the picnic bench waiting. I walked over and sat next to him.

"You arrived on time, sidekick! Now, let's get straight to the point! One hundred pushups!!" Kaito is always so enthusiastic about everything. Y'know, all these daily workout sessions are actually making me more fit and healthy now. Maybe he just wants me to be better. Well, maybe he should do the same for himself as I'm already at 80 pushups when he hasn't even started.

"Yknow, Momota? I've never seen you do many, if not, any, pushups before. Why don't you do anything?" I ask him.
"Oh! Uh.. well, I got tired after doing, uh.... 500 pushups before you arrived! Yeah," he responds. Sure, chief...

After I did all my 100 pushups, I turn around and lie on the floor with Kaito. I think I spent about half an hour doing pushups. I take out the note with her phone number. Or at least, what I think is her phone number. I think Kaito noticed as he spoke up.

"Shuichi, what's that little piece of paper you're looking at?" He points out.
"Well.. it says that this is Akamatsu's phone number, but I'm not quite sure myself." I show him the note. He politely snatches it from me and reads the number.

"Hmm.. we should call the number!" Kaito suggests.
"Wh- c-call it?? But what if it's the wrong number she gave me?" I ask, worryingly.
"It's fine. Pass me your phone."
"WHAT? Do you not have your phone?"
"Nope, didn't think I'd need to use it for anything, let alone calling Kaede's number. Say... how did you get it?" He asks me.
"W-well, she gave me my favourite novel series and-"
"Murder on the Orient Express?"
"Y-yeah... Anyway, she gave me it, and when I went home, this very piece of paper fell out."

Kaito looks at me with a smirk. "So, why'd she give you not only your favourite novel, but her phone number?" He asks.
"I... dont know." I respond, his smirk immediately dissapearing.
"Nevermind, pass the phone."
I pass him my phone with the phone app on. He looks at the note, then looks at the phone, then looks back at the note, before typing out something, probably the number. Then, he clicks the call button before putting it on speaker.

It rings..

It continued ringing..

It was still ringing, until...

"Hello?" I hear Kaede's voice through the phone...

A.N: haha get cliffhangerified!!!! I got writes block midway through and my necks starting to hurt somehow so I'm gonna end it off there. Have a nice day!!

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