Chapter 31. The letter

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Dreadraid had parked outside Phoenix where we could stay for the night. I ran my hand over Sunstreaker's knife. "I miss you so much, Sunstreaker. I don't know what I should do. If I call the police about the lab, they will arrest me. Prowl has a lot of connections at the police department and calling the Autobots is out of the question as well. They will come after me, but they're all going to die," I muttered. I sucked in a breath and looked up to the stars again. "I just hope it won't be too late for Sideswipe," I mumbled quietly. "We need a plan... I suck at making a plan," I mumbled. I put Sunstreaker's knife in my holster and got up. I was about to walk back to the barn as I heard my name being called through the wind. I stopped and turned around, looking at the treeline. Sunstreaker was standing there. I walked up to him but when I got there he was gone. I looked around and followed his smell deeper into the woods.

I stopped. I recognized this place. The waterfall, the lake and rock I had been sitting on in my dream. My eyes flashed over the landscape in front of me. I sucked in a breath as I looked around. I walked up to the log a little further away and pushed the door open. The walls were covered in old paint and blood. Such a lovely place, but once again a dark past. I walked inside and had a look around. Sunstreaker brought me here before in my dream, why would he do that? What is so special about this place? I opened a door and headed downstairs into the basement, nothing there other than some knives. My eyes fell on a table, covered in a thick layer of dust. On it, a book.

I opened the book. This wasn't just a book, it was a sketchbook. Beautiful realistic drawings. Scenes of Cybertron. I picked it up. Sunstreaker's name was on the very first page of the sketchbook. Sunstreaker had stayed here a long time ago. He left the book, maybe in his rush. I sat back down on a chair and looked through it. Not only drawings, but also letters he wrote to his brother. As I reached the end of the sketchbook, I found a letter that was also written to his brother but was touching and didn't expect to be read from a psychopath.

May 26, 2006 

Dear brother,

There are so many things I never got the chance to tell you back on Cybertron. I feel like I let you down, especially because I have lied to you. How could I ever lie to the one that always believed and loved me? The one that supported me no matter what. Do you remember that day I made my first kill in the park? I showed you the body of that mech and I felt so proud. I killed someone that day. When I looked at you, I saw horror. You were scared of me. I get why you were scared, I killed a mech and I loved it. I started killing with only one goal, to protect myself and you. I promised myself to always look after you because you are my only family and love me the way I am.
There's something you don't know, Sideswipe. I didn't want to tell you because it's dangerous. 'The Ripper' my biggest rival is not just my rival but also our half brother. What he did to me millions of years ago left a hole in my spark. I couldn't have predicted what he did that fateful day and I promise I will tell you everything, as soon as we are reunited, I will tell you the truth of what happened. Right now, I am just struggling to keep going. I had a dream, Sideswipe. I dreamed about a girl. Her eyes were just like stars twinkling. A human. Why do I dream about humans? She keeps returning to my dreams and I can't figure out why. I remember a story you once told me, about soulmates. Could this human be my soulmate? It's hard to actually believe someone will love a monster like me. I make it my mission to find her. I need to know what this all means. Perhaps is this just a stupid dream and doesn't mean anything, but I love her smile. It's her smile that's engraved in my mind. Maybe she can fix what my father broke in me. Maybe she can make me whole again...

I brushed some tears off my face and looked at the wall for a moment. It was destined to be with Sunstreaker? Is that why he led me to this place? It all makes the story even sadder. Sunstreaker has been through so much. There's only a small amount of his past that I know off. I flipped through some pages and drawings. The last drawing he made was a realistic drawing of me. He couldn't have known me at the time. I was only four years old at the time. Sunstreaker truly dreamed about me. Everything in this drawing is accurate. Everything, even my smile that he loves so much. I now understand why he loves my smile so much. I am his soulmate. "What are you doing here?"

I looked up to Dreadraid. "I found this place and I wanted to check it out," I replied, getting up. "He led you here, didn't he?" Dreadraid asked as he walked around. "How do you know?" I asked. "I heard you talking back at the barn," he said as he had a look around. "Why do you hate Sunstreaker so much? How did your rivalry begin?" I asked. "That's an interesting story actually," Dreadraid said as he picked up a knife and looked at it before throwing it at me. It hit a wooden plank beside me and I hadn't moved at all. "I have known Sunstreaker for a very long time, longer than he probably knows. I have seen him kill his first victim. I knew instantly that Sunstreaker would become a monster. I hated the thought, I should be the one people fear and not Sunstreaker. When he became a champion in the pits and won his freedom, people were so afraid of him. No matter where he came from, Sunstreaker was always feared. They forgot about me and I needed to give my reputation a boost.That's how our rivalry started and I made him feel pain and humiliation," he said. 

"What have you done to him? That 'fateful day' as Sunstreaker described it?" I asked. "I sent him a letter and told him I was going to get his twin brother. Of course he would come after me and that was exactly what I wanted, I made him see who the boss is. I guess what I did left an impact on him, big enough that he got scared of me," he laughed. "Well, you have the same taste in femmes as your half brother." I showed him the drawing Sunstreaker made of me in 2006. "This was before Optimus arrived on earth, before you arrived on earth or even before Megatron was retrieved from the ice. I was four years old when he made this drawing of me. He dreamed about me, he had visions," I said. Dreadraid looked at the drawing and snorted. "What are you aiming for? That you truly believe Sunstreaker was your soulmate?" he laughed. "It means something... you both are after me," I said. "No, it's just me, Sunstreaker is dead." I sighed softly. "Sunstreaker was mostly talking about secrets... Sunny knew things no one else does, not even you," I said. A scowl formed on Dreadraid's face.

"What if Sunstreaker knew more about Megatron's plans?" I asked. "Why would he know more about that?" he scoffed. "Sunny is smart. He led me here with a reason, I found his sketchbook here that he left in his rush. I had a dream about him a while back and we were here at this exact location, sitting on the rock next to the lake. He told me to remember this place. He would tell me to remember it if it wasn't important. I trust him. Sunstreaker is trying to tell me something!"

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