Episode 1

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That's all anyone can see yet in this darkness there's a light.

This light is a soul.

But not just ani soul, this soul is the one being reincarnated.

Where's this soul you may ask?

Well this soul is in the void but not just in any void, he's in the Primordial void.

What's the Primordial void you may ask?

It's one of the things that make the multiverse and omniverse beings.

But is not just the Primordial void there's also are.

Primordial time energy: Not has strong as the void but one can manipulate time itself they cannot age and they can go back in time with just a doubt. 

The Primordial space energy: The rival of the Primordial time energy when two people meet with having this energy they will fight to the dead. 

The Primordial life/light energy: This specific energy can heal and bring life however it can also be bad blinding people of the real truth however has this type of energy can to good just has bad, however has the dead/dark energy they can choose to fight or not.

The Primordial dead/dark energy: This energy can manipulate anything made out of darkness it makes, it can also bring back the dead but this energy isn't evil, everything that's alive or dead has this energy, humans that have this energy can be accepted in the demon realm, this energy can also make you see dead people from the good soul to the bad souls.

The Primordial nova energy: This energy was said to have created the multiverse it is but it can only rival the Primordial space and time energy.

The Primordial kaiju energy: This energy is surrounded in mystery however it is said that the first kaiju that had this energy could rival void itself has well making this energy the rival of the void.

The Primordial cosmic energy: This energy is a mix of the space and nova energy it is strong enough to rival the void energy, however this energy comes at a cost, what type of cost no one knows for sure.

And finally there's the 

Primordial void energy: This energy is impossible to control or manipulate since who ever does this energy will be rip apart, cell from cell, atom to atom, leaving nothing being. Even the two of the first primordial cant use this energy since it will actually kill them  

And that's all the Primordial energy that created the Omniverse beings and the multiverse they also have an avatar who are the avatars you may ask well. 

There's God (Author note: yes THE biblical god) can use the primordial life/light, nova energy, space energy and time energy. However like I said before the light can blind someone just because he has the light side doesn't mean he can use the darker stuff or he has a darker side as well. 

Then there's Lucifer aka Satan; he can use the primordial death/dark, nova energy, space and time energy. But like I said earlier, just because he may a fallen doesn't mean that he isn't good he was a angel before becoming a demon, so he can use the light side of is powers

But there's is one other.

The final true primordial.

No one is allow to say is name.

And for a good reason; this primordial can control the energy that the other two cant 

He uses the; the primordial void energy, the primordial kaiju energy, primordial cosmic energy, time and space energy. Being able to use the primordial void, kaiju, and cosmic energy whiteout the consequences. 

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