Episode 13

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Walking towards the crash side Ryu could see some of the animals running from the fire that was burning everything in it's surroundings.

Ryu mind: 'I don't blame them'

And how could he after all if he was still human and seeing a meteor crash somewhere and a fire getting near him he would run like hell.

He may not survive or get away but he sure as hell he would try to at least to try to be alive enough for help.

Yep Ryu is one stubborn son of a bitch when he says something he means it.

He could also see that some of the dinosaurs are dead, burned to a crisp. The least he could to was to eat some of them after all he was part of the circle of life.

Hell he may have even started everything on this planet, if it wasn't for him they're maybe no life, or maybe there will be life, who knows.

Honestly Ryu can only think about this safety of his daughter.

Ryu: "Good thing I told Fairy to go towards her brother."

Fairy loves live and likes seeing things that are, well alive, so seeing the burning forest and the dead dinosaurs may break her heart.

But now that he thinks about it, his speech reminded him a lot like the lion king movie.

After all Mothra is known as the protector of life. However Fairy is a child with a pure heart and she wouldn't know the difference between hunting for survival and actually hunting for sport, at least he talked to her about it.

Looking down he saw that there were some that actually manage to survive, they were badly burned but at least they survive, he began helping them.

He had many job's before dying and one of them was actually a veterinarian. He had save some injured animals and he have seen some that were badly injure or have a low change of survival, but those animals they were stubborn they wanted to live and yet other's would have just surrender and die, they should have given up and yet they didn't and they survive.

He saw the good and the bad on the human race frankly is even a miracle that mother nature doesn't just kill them off.

He stop and began healing them the best he could. But he could still see that some were more injured than the others.

He close his eyes and his hand began forming into a fist. He had seen this world grow up in front of his eyes, he have seen the extinction of some of the specie's.

And he had save some of them as well, putting them on his own islands.

But now?

He began walking a little bit more faster towards the crash side, he only had one thing on his mind, and that was to kill the fucker who did this.

Ryu: "Someone's blood is about to spill and it's sure as hell not going to be mine."

(Scene change)
(Orga POV)

I began getting out of the pod to see the destruction my pod has made.

Looking down I could even see some of the life that was on this planet just laying there on the ground.

I wasn't impressed.

The life forms on this planet are primitive had best and didn't have a complex technology.

Orga: 'But still they may have something new'.

Honestly I didn't know if they even have what I'm looking for but still.

Hunching over I began asking them.

Orga: "Hello there my name is Orga and I'm looking for your leader."

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