Episode 10

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(Location: Ship)

She began working as fast as she could.

She couldn't let the others of her species to find out about him or the other species.

Plus if she's fast enough they might not be able to track her signal.

He will be her's and only her's.

She can already imagine it.

His soft lips kissing her.

His strong arms hugging her.

There tails interlocking.

And him pushing his--

She began shaking her head.

??? Mind: Now is not the time.

Delete the video first then she can day dream.


???: And done.

She began stretching her arms earning a satisfying snap.

Looking towards her screen she could see that he....was gone??

Indeed he was gone, the only thing that show that he was on the beach was a little pool of blood.

??? No no no no!!!

She instantly began searching around the planet with her drones. She didn't wanted to loose him. For all she knows he could be in the bottom off the ocean bleeding out.

She finally found him.

And to her relief he was still alive.

???: He's still alive *sigh* that's good.

She can see that he was being carried by.... Butterflies? Moths? She didn't know but she will admit.

???: They are extremely beautiful.....grrrr.

And indeed they were these stupid Moths beauty can rival a god. Dare I say even surpassed them.

She instantly began forming a fist.


Lightning began surrounding her figure illuminating the area but still keeping her figure in shadow.

??? Mind: He is mine all mine.

???: Even if I have to bring him here kicking and screaming.

(Location: Mosura island aka Infant island)


That was the sound of something heavy hitting the ground.

And what was that heavy thing?

Well that my friends would be Ryu.

Lea: Watch it!!!

She yelled towards the other Mosuras, she knows that he's heavy but to let him go while still injured? That would have probably may have broken some bones.

Landing near him she began to examined him.

Lea mind: Oh dear.

It was bad some injuries were bleeding again, his skull was cracked, he had internal bleeding, and some broken rips.

Lea: I need some help over here!!!

Instantly they began landing.

Some of them were so close that they could touch him. Other were landing on him.

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