Episode 2

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(Location Earth)
(Ryu POV)

Opening my eyes i could see I was on the floor.

"Where the hell am I?" I was confused about it since I don't were i am. Until the system desited to tell me.

'Ding. Host is currently on the bottom of the ocean in the beginning of Earth.

Saying that he was shock was an understatement since he's back when the earth was still young.

"Am I going to see dinosaurs"

'Ding. The earth is still young but you should see the very first fish walking on land'

To say he was disappointed was an understatement. He really wanted to see a living breathing dinosaur.


'Well can we cant always get what we want but I can wait'

Ryu: "System tell me what do I have?"

'Ding. Well if you say stats hos will be able to see your stats as well as abilities. You also have a training room to well train your abilities'

Ryu: 'Stats'

Name: Ryu Dragneel/Godzilla
Level: 1
Race: Kaiju/Titán
Height: 50 meters
Length: 75 meters
Titles: Reincarnator/The King of The Monsters

Ryu: "System why am I so small? Not that I'm complaining or anything"

System: "Host as been in 55 meter height to make it more challenging for host to grow"

Closing his eyes he began to think

Ryu: 'How does Godzilla grow? The natural way? No, no, that's not like him. Mmmmm'

He began thinking to how does he grow until he remembered something from the Hesei hera before mentally face palming.

Ryu: 'Im a idiot'

Keeping his eyes closed he remembered something else from the legendary movies.

Ryu: 'They said that he came from a world filled with radiation it's time to see if it's true'

He began sensing for something anything.


He finally got it. Trying to manipulate the energy he began trying to adsorb i.

Ryu: 'Uh you know it's not that bad. It's sweet but at the same time it's saur. It quinta reminds me of those candies'

Sensing the energy was easy but trying to manipulate it was the hart part. But thanks to him having the Primordial Kaiju energy he can reshape and absorb the energy.

Ryu: 'I think is time that I get moving. I want to see what I can to.'

(3 POV)

We see Ryu in his Godzilla form getting up from the floor and starts swimming like a Crocodile.

Moving is tail side to side, left to right, again and again.

He starts seeing the early stage of coral from the prehistoric hera and some animals as well like the sea scorpion.

He get moving forward until he breach the surface of the ocean and started swimming again. His instincts were telling him that there was land.

While still moving he tough about the skills he has.

Name: Ryu Dragneel/Godzilla
Level: 1
Race: Kaiju/Titán
Height: 55 meters
Length: 75 meters
Titles: Reincarnator/The King of The Monsters

I'm reincarnated as Godzilla? Then I shall be the King of the Monsters Where stories live. Discover now